Thursday, October 14, 2010

papers I wrote on Phytic acid and hormones

  • There have been some issues with the blogger. I hope this is complete.
  • I have corrected this several times.
  • (known as
  • Healthiest Way of Eating by George Mateljan
  • PHYTIC Acid and soaking
  • There are several reasons for soaking beans and legumes before cooking. Legumes in general contain a toxic substance which leaches into the water and therefore can be thrown away. One type of carbohydrates called oligosaccharides leaches into the soaking water in great amounts and this increases the digestibility as these sugar molecules that are resistant to digestion. Prolonged cooking denatures the proteins in beans and therefore you would want to lessen the cooking time, soaking allows this. Probiotic lactobacilli and other digestive mircoflora are an important source of the enzyme phytase. This is what gives us a healthy digestive tract so nutrients may be obsorbed. If you are not a dairy eater you would do well to use other foods to increase micrflora in the intestine.
  • Phytic acid
  • Phytic acid
  • inositol hexaphosphate (IP6) , or phytate ( when in salt form) is the principal storage form of phosphorus in many plant tissues, especially bran and seeds.[
  • Phytic acid has a strong binding to calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. When phytic acid binds with these they become insoluble and are not absorbed into the intestines. This can cause deficiencies. People with low stomach acid such as the elderly have iron and calcium deficiencies.
    Physic acid and iron absorption may not be a real problem as most people do not rely on beans as their main source of iron intake.
  • Asorbic Acid ( vitamin C) can reduce phytic acid effect on iron.
  • Phytic acid works as an antioxidant in plants and is at it’s highest when sprouting to protect the plant.
  • It is interesting that most non ruminant livestock are fed soybeans, corn, and grains that become unavailable for absorption due to phytate from these grains, passing through the digestive tract and cause phosphorus excretion, an environmental hazard. ( more on this another time) Phytic acid is found within the hulls of nuts and seeds as well.
  • Having mineral binding properties may also prevent colon cancer by reducing oxidative stress.
  • Oxidative stress:
  • cell impairment from too much oxygen:
  • impaired performance of cells caused by the presence of too many oxygen molecules in them
  • Over all it would be most beneficial to soak legumes and beans for better nutrient absorption.
        • Jeanne Nabozny wk 5 nutrition DQ1 Hormones in food
        • Hormones added to our meat resources causes rapid growth and faster supply to the market demand. At what cost to the animals and human life is there? Hormone residue in meats disrupts hormone imbalance, developmental problems, interferes reproductive system, and leads to breast, prostrate and colon cancer. It causes animal to be unhealthy, often sickly, and unable as in chickens to even hold up their own body weight causing them to sit in their own excrement due to lack of natural exercise.
        • I am over fifty years old. Even I remember that as a near teen, the article in our local paper discussing the breast formation and menstrual cycles occurring in four year old girls due to hormones in meats. Naturally there was a disruption in boys as well but it was not so physically outwardly visible to the public as large breasts on young girls.
        • Knowing this has not stopped the hormone distribution through out the meat industry any more than any other industry selling products that openly cause cancer, and other abnormalities. 80% of feed lot cattle receive hormone growth injections.
        • These hormones pass through the animals and end up in the manure they leave behind then distributed to the soil and end up in our water supplies from ground run off.
        • The European union
        • does not allow the use of hormones in cattle production, has prohibited the import of hormone treated beef, since 1988. It has banned all beef imports from the U.S. and Canada, and the debate still rages today between Europe and the U.S. by the world Trade Organization.
        • RBGH also known as rBST
          • is a genetically engineered growth hormone injected into dairy cows . 1994 found a N.Y. farmer having severe problems with his cows health after injecting them with this hormone. One year later he had to replace 135 of his 200 cows due to illness. Similar farmers complained of internal bleeding, open soars, hoof disease, and death. 1991 Vermont reported deformed calves, painful bacterial infections, causing the increase of antibiotics in dairy animals.
          • So how can we produce enough product to satisfy the American appetite and not use hormones?
          • Considering the carbon foot print is lowered, the cattle are healthier, the meat contains 60% more omega3 fatty acids, is higher in vitamin E, higher in CLR (conjugated Linoleic Acid) and is healthier over all to the consumer. CLR causes a reduction in cancer, heart disease, and onset diabetes. It would only make sense.
          • Grass fed cattle lead a stress free life by doing what is natural. As a farmer look for breeds that thrive on grass, feed grass and legumes. If absolutely necessary give antibiotics only when very ill, rotate your pasture, and provide your own hay. Provide two acres per head of cattle, keep them in one area at a time for the grass to replenish it’s self and provide plenty of water. Provide a good hay ring to hold your baled hay during winter months to prevent the hay from being strewn about and trampled on. Not feeding grain is very cost effective according to grass fed beef growers.
          • For every one thousand head of cattle you would need two thousand acres. This is the desirable acreage even for non grass fed cattle to pasture naturally. This should not be a problem in this country as the government still owns open grass lands for ranchers in the west for this purpose. We need to utilize this country for the good of man kind and not for selfish profits. This country was built on the backs of grass fed beef, and allowing the small homesteads to provide for their own families in rural and suburbia well planned communities will allow the individual to provide for themselves, releasing the burden of the cattle market.
          • This country was once filled with farms and producers of healthy marketed foods. The small farmer needs to return and with enough smaller farmers our communities can relay on our local markets (baring they too do not get greedy) thus bringing the social net work back into perspective, your local butcher. I raised organically years ago, two cattle on two acres and this provide more than enough beef when we had 5 children still at home. Naturally then we raised a pig and had our own chickens for eggs. The protein balance was natural. Although we prefer not to eat pork now.
        If you are a city mouse headed for the country expect to smell farms. There is a reasonable amount of odor certain times of the year here in Lancaster county, Pa. It is not offensive to those who understand the production of good food. So stand up and take o’ whiff or go back to the city and smell the pollution!

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