Monday, September 19, 2011

Fat Sick and Nearly Dead

 My class lesson for this week:

Research a diet that you have been always wanting to learn more about.  It can be any diet of your choosing.  Analyze it for its benefits and concerns by comparing it to the principles you have learned about ‘Eating Healthy’ from your body’s perspective.  Prepare at least 7 fast facts for the pros and at least 7 fast facts for the cons and a brief analysis/comparison with the principles you have learned about ‘Eating Healthy’

The facts for the  pro:

 lowers cholesterol and resets metabolism

contains vitamins and minerals

detoxify the body

meets protein needs

low in calories

no artificial colors or preservatives

no pesticides, caffeine, alcohol or refined sugar

 facts for the Con:

Liquid diets have been on the market since 1930. The low carb diets became popular in the 1990’s. According to the FDA, in 1977, 58 deaths were reported by adults following liquid protein diets due to lack of nutrition.

 These old diets were only 800 to 100 calories per day on average. These diets lose weight but end up gaining it back.

 This is due to not changing the eating habits.

 Hunger during and abusing foods after is a risk.

Moodiness, depression and irritability are common in some fasting diets.

Irregular sugar intake throws the blood sugar levels off balance.

This is not the case with the juicing diet I am considering.

The diet I am considering is an all juicing diet. It consists of only fruit and vegetables juiced at home for a period of no less than 10 days and up to 60 days.

 I have watched the DVD “Fat Sick and Nearly Dead”  on Netflix and am very impressed with the results and the life saving conditions it resulted especially for two of the individuals. I have mentioned this DVD to one of our teachers and he has heard about it, and plans to watch it.

It helps to reset your metabolism, change cholesterol levels, and correct health over all conditions.  Exercise is incorporated as the diet goes along. The idea is to detoxify the body so it can perform at its optimal level.

As proteins, vitamins and minerals can be obtained with this diet through fruits and vegetables, there is no reason to believe healthy nutrition would be lacking.  

Expert Recommendations

The Institute of Medicine recommends consuming between 10 and 35 percent of your daily calories from protein. Minimal protein needs are 0.8 g per 1 kg of body weight, or 0.36 g per pound. To figure out your minimal protein needs, multiply your weight in pounds by 0.36. For example, a 140-lb. person should consume at least 50 g of protein daily. Most Americans eat well over this minimum recommendation.”  That is 1.8 ounces

I was surprised to find my minimum daily allowance per body weight  is 2.05 ounces

Most servings are 4-6 oz. servings at the least.

1 Gram = 0.0352739619 Ounces

Unlike many diets that deprive the dieter of these health combinations and cause muscle loss and vital brain function nutrients.

A supplement should be considered with any diet.

The fruits and vegetables could never be taken in whole form in such great quantity as what is taken in juice form.  The calorie level is low, there is nothing artificial, organic foods are encouraged, there is no caffeine, alcohol, sugars, salts, preservatives, junk foods and harmful ingredients.

This is a diet that can be reintroduced at any time without harmful effects. Once the juice fast is complete the person is ready  to eat healthy foods by eliminating red meat to once a week or less, stay with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and pure foods such as wild caught fish and good fats.

The pit falls to this diet have been cravings, and the first three days feeling hungry, headaches, fatigue, and irritability. Once the body has begun to detoxify and started to recover energy levels increase greatly and other symptoms subside.

I have been on a detoxifying diet before and the first three to seven days are the hardest.  I did it for two weeks but through eating the foods not juicing. I lost 10 pounds that I never gained back. So I am very encouraged to take it to the next level in this program.

My pitfall will be that I still have to prepare food for my husband.

 I have not found any adverse conditions to this diet. It is healthy, can be prepared ahead of time, easy to transport for lunch at work, meets all nutritional requirements, cleanses the body, and resets the bodily functions while incorporating exercise and healthy sleep times.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

week 3 hamburger of stone

This hamburger that we have been watching has now dried to a nice perserved display. it would work well to be used as artificial food in a refrigeraator demonstration. It reminds me of the food made of plasitc in childrens play sets.
It has no smell still, the bread is dry as a cracker. It is obvious that this must have a lot of perservatives.
If any of us had put this meat out on our counters that we had prepared ourselves from sctatch, it would have been rotten in a couple of days.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

hamburger week 2

This is the hamburger I am experimenting on for 28 days in my nutrition class.  We are into week two and the cheese burger I purchased is still in tact, dry and just in the same form as when purchased.
 It has not decayed or rotted in any way. It has no smell and the bread is dry like a cracker. The preservatives in this food must be strong as it is holding up very well. It simply is becoming a dried up preserved specimen.

How much value is there in this food if it does not rot as "real" food does?

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Oh i forgot something!

One of the questions the class is asking is what would I expect a normal home made hamburger that is different from the fast food burger to look like in 28 days?

Well in my mind the normal foods we prepare at home would rot and become decayed. This is evedent from all the home made meals I have made over the years and what happens when left overs have not been eaten.

What do you think the experiment will bring?

28 day experiment day 1 week one

This is an experiment for my nutrition class at South Wests Institute of Healing Arts.
We are to take a hamburger or cheese burger and let it sit for 28 days untouched. This may sound like a nasy thing to do, but it is to prove how our processed foods we consume are truly not healthy for us.
Day one within hours shows a dried cardboard effect to the food. The smell of flavor is nearly gone and the edges have started to curl.
 Foods you prepare from fresh products that are not pre processed will rot and behave normally. Foods we aquire from fast food chains or preprocessed products from the grocery are fillers and contain as little as 35% of the nutritional value to as little as none at all.
 It is no wonder our children say in this country they are hungry. They lack consentration and ability to learn. The brain has no fuel to power the cells that think.
So stay tuned here for the experiment results and the nutritional advice I will be journaling weekly.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

teaching others

Today was a great day even though I was at work. I was so happy to use the knowledge I have been learning to teach someone else. It was so rewarding and exciting.

A co worker and I were out doing our customer service work and at a break we got to talking about food as we stopped for a coffee. We talked about how bad food really is for you and then it turned into an organic discussion. This led to a suggestion by the co worker. he said hey let's go to the grocery store and you can show me what you are talking about. well, it was so exciting to have products in my hands and take the person around and teach them what organic is and is not. How to choose the best quality and make the comparisons to the regular foods out there. He became so pumped up and excited. he can not wait to go shopping this week!

It is so much fun to help others and guide them in the right direction. I love doing what I am studying to do.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Herb Mentor

Herb Mentor .com is a great site to get loads of herbal remidies and education. It uses your kitchen and naturally grown items native to your area such as your garden! The education info your get here will save you money from Dr. bills for those common ailments of every day life. Check out their free e-books at this link:

RT @herbmentor is giving away the Way of the Herbal Ninja webinar. Uses 17 herbs you have in the kitchen:

Saturday, June 11, 2011



Toxoplasmosis is the infection that can result if the tiny parasite Toxoplasma gondii inhabits the human body. The only way to catch toxoplasmosis is to ingest the parasite. This happens if the owner touches their mouth or doesn't thoroughly wash after coming into contact with cat feces or cat diarrhea. Most healthy people's immune systems can keep the parasite from causing symptoms. For the unborn fetus, toxoplasmosis can cause serious defects. Pregnant women and other people with compromised immunity should avoid cleaning the litter box or should wear gloves and make sure to thoroughly wash their hands after litter box cleaning. It is important to note that only cats who themselves have come into contact with the parasite will have infected cat feces. If a cat eats raw foods, their feces might be more at risk for the parasite. Most indoor cats do not have the parasite in their feces and a cat can be tested for the parasite. It's best to treat all cat feces as if it is infected, however.

Read more: Health Risks Associated With Cat Feces - VetInfo

arsenic in chicken !!!

Here is some information that you must read. I receive emails from the Natural News Insider Alert news letter. I subscribed for free as a suggegestion from my college SWIHA. I have never been sorry. Now you too need to read this important information:
NaturalNews Insider Alert ( ) email newsletter
(Unsubscribe instructions at bottom)

Dear NaturalNews readers,
The FDA has finally admitted what NaturalNews has been reporting for years: There's arsenic in your chicken meat. And why is it there? Because they feed arsenic to chickens to control parasites. So if you're eating non-organic chicken almost anywhere in the world, you're gobbling down cancer-causing arsenic, too!
Not surprisingly, the FDA says this is all perfectly safe for you and there's nothing to be worried about:


I have never used fennel very much but the class I am in now is whole foods. We are making some very nice recipes. The one I tried today was to take pita pocket bread, split it so it is thin and cut into chips. I then brushed with olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt and ground fennel. I baked them till crisp and ate for a snack.

They were very good and I would make them again. They would be a nice addition to any dip plate. The fennel surprised me as to the fact that when I ground it it smelled like licorice, but the taste was earthy and just tasty.

The book we are using is The Garden of Eating by Rachel Albert and Don Matesz
It is A Produce-Dominated Diet 7 Cookbook

As I try these recipes in our class I will keep you posted on the results.

As for the garden it is growing great with one exception. The wild rabbit ate all my cucumbers down to the dirt and all but one of my zucchini. So now it has a fence to keep nature out. Replacing the cucumbers will set me back on time of harvest. It will still be glorious to harvest my own veggies.

I am toying with the idea of going as vegetarian as I can to improve my health by reducing weight. My job some times requires eight hours of walking and on various levels of ground surface. I hope this will be a plus to help me lose the weight.

Monday, May 30, 2011

happy memorial day

Today we did what most do, bar-BQ and get together as a family. it was lovely to have the grand children over and get out the blow up pool for the squeals of delighted children. life was simple and fun. no cell phones, TV, computers, or battery powered toys. Just old fashioned fun.

I also thought of my Grandfathers dedication to his military life and the wars he had fought. he has been gone since 1961, but a flag has always been placed on his grave as a memorial on this day. he was a veteran of foreign wars. His life was orderly, planned, and he raised the flag on the flag pole daily with a salute.

We as a people do not think of our lives daily and the sacrifices made for us. We go about our days and without meaning to be, selfishly, think only of our needs. Our military is out there with our boys going into the fight for freedom any where they are told to go, without question. Do to their unselfish acts, I say thank you. We are in troubled times. Times that are hard to understand. Not too confusing to know when to be appreciative of our boys, and the long standing of sacrifice.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

New blog

Please follow my writings on for experieces of my writing class at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts.

Now for the garden, it is finally in place. We turned the soil and put mushroom soil in it. We tilled it all in several times. I was given 11 Roma tomato plants and then bought eight of various varieties of the larger tomato plants including one yellow tomato.

I also planted zuccini seeds, water melon seeds, pepper plants of green bell, red bell, yellow bell, and halopino. Then I planted scallion seeds and beet seeds. it has been along wait as we have had heavy rain and mild flooding for weeks here in Pa.

I also planted a new herb garden as only two plants lived from my previous plants I brought from my other house. The lemon verbena and a mint. Flowers and herbs for generations have had specific meanings especially to the victorians who engulfed themselves in hordiculture.  The medaphysical meanings of my herbs are:
mini Roses for Love, Psychic Powers, Healing, Love, Divination, Luck, Protection
 Lavender for Love, Protection, Sleep, Chastity (with rosemary), Longevity, Purification, Happiness, Peace
 Rosemary for Protection, Love, Lust, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Purification, Healing, Sleep, Youth
 Thyme for Health, Healing, Sleep, Psychic Powers, Love, Purification, Courage
Oregano for  happiness, tranquility, good luck, health, and protection
Mint for  Money, Love, Lust, Healing, Exorcism, Travel, Protection
Basil for Love, Exorcism, Wealth, Flying, Protection. Causes sympathy between two people and soothes tempers between lovers. Add to love sachets and incenses. Place in cash register or on doorsill of business to attract customers. Use when invoking elemental salamanders or communing with dragons. Also used for courage.
Taraggon for protection

For more information see:

Victorians and the Language of Flowers

Since most herbs are known by many folk names, use your Find command to find specific herbs on this page. For a more detailed look at the properties of the herbs ...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

will the garden ever happen

I have had so much torrential rain for weeks that my plants still sit in my home awaiting some sun to peep out. I think I live in a rain forest with all the wet we have had. Many friends have things up in the garden but if it does not dry out soon they will lose them to the floods. The roses seem to be doing well but then the rain is mashing the open flowers. Sadly most of my herbs from the other house did not make it and gave up and died. Despite the talking and cooing over them once outside within two weeks they gave up. Now I will be starting again to replant what I have lost.

Due to the late start I will buy plants and then plant seed to follow the first crops. It is usually warm enough long enough, to get two plantings here. If we too are not flooded out.  The neighbors have peas up and some young early lettuce. Not much else except the berry bushes are green with hints of flowers. The spring onions have already been pulled.

Rumors came to me that vVermont is still brushing off snow!

Well till next time, check out Tasha Tudor's web site it is lovely.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

our food

I just had to share this you-tube information on our food. I know we have discussed this area before, but we need to know and be able to protect ourselves. All the more reason to have that victory garden.

 It has just been brought to my attention by a reader that the previous link I added did  not work. I have looked into this problem so try this link
if this will not work for you go to you tube and type in TEDxAustin Robyn O'Brien 2011

My herbs are growing lovely inside as I brought them from my previous garden residence. We are staking out the lawn as to where the garden will be and where the herb garden will be.
The planning of the garden is so exciting. I have looked at the history of gardening and found a Jane Austin garden lovely. A kitchen garden close to the house and flowers and herbs near also. This would be lovely as I love to talk to plants and having them near the kitchen door would be like little friends.

The Amish gardens here are planted with peas, onions and any early plants. The chicken fence is strung awaiting the vines to climb, and the upside down plastic milk jugs to cover the young plants are peeping out of the deep rich earth. I am ashamed to be so far behind.

Well if you get to pop over to my friend Donna's blog, she often comments on her garden.  If you have not seen her blog you will want to check it out from the beginning starting 2008.

 I am still yearning for my chickens, but do not know if I can get away with it here. I will check the zone rules as I have more than enough yard space. It would be lovely to have them in the center of my garden.
Well have a lovely week and get out and dig the earth. Be connected even if it is in a plant pot. Make it your own!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sharing my nutritional plan with others

Understanding nutrition and teaching others is a goal I have as I am attending South West Institute of healing Arts.
I had wanted this blog to be more regularly posted, but life has a way of getting in the way. Now with Spring on the edge and gardens ready to be planted it is time to jump on board and encourage everyone to eat healthy. I hope to use this space to educate others, and hope to help people in my business called Tranquil Wellness. Other areas of holistic healing, such as Life coach, Hypnotherapy, Reiki all come back to a healthy body and good nutrition. Many foods cause behavior problems or delayed allergies and all of this needs to be addressed as we plan to eat through our gardens. The education I have learned through this course has changed my way at looking at food forever. I hope you will find this valuable also.

I love the idea of a Victory Garden. It use to be everyone had a garden. Even if it was only a salad garden.
It was natural to buy local and eat fresh seasonally. We had such delicacies as they were special and long awaited.

Everyone can be a gardener. Even if you plant in containers, boxes or edges of your side walk.
Tomato seeds are a sprouting in Cape Cod inside awaiting there new spots in the garden. My friend Donna, is such a go getter in her garden. Here in Pa. I am a little behind and will get my seeds started this week end.

In the heart of Amish country here, I have the availability to get baby plants or seeds every where with wonderful varieties. I hope this information I find as I start my new garden will help others to follow suit.
Stay posted....
Happy nutrition to all!

Endometriosis part two

How can I get the word out on all these great alternatives to surgery? This maybe my new challenge. 
Natural Treatments for Endometriosis
Reduce Chemical Intake
Although earlier studies in women were conflicting, there is increasing evidence that chronic exposure to the environmental chemicals dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) is associated with an increased prevalence and severity of endometriosis.
One way to reduce intake of these chemicals is to cut back on animal fat, especially high-fat dairy, red meat, and fish. Dioxin and PCBs both accumulate in animal fat and it is our main route of exposure.

Interestingly, studies on diet and endometriosis also support this.
For example, an Italian study examined data from 504 women with endometriosis and found an increased risk with a high intake of red meat and ham. Fresh fruit and vegetables were associated with a reduction in risk.

Vegetables and Flaxseeds
There is evidence that a group of plant chemicals called flavones can inhibit aromatase, the enzyme that converts androgens to estrogens. Good food sources of flavones are celery and parsley.

Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, Brussels sprouts, and bok choy, contain compounds called indoles, which appear to improve estrogen metabolism.

Flaxseeds are high in lignans and fiber, which have been found to be beneficial for estrogen-related conditions.
Progesterone Cream
Alternative practitioners sometimes recommend progesterone cream. Progesterone is thought to slow the growth of abnormal endometrial tissue. Although it's not considered a cure, it may improve symptoms such as pain during menstrual periods and pelvic pain. There haven't been any studies on progesterone cream for endometriosis, so we don't know for certain about the effectiveness or safety.

Progesterone cream is derived from either soy or Mexican wild yam. A molecule called diosgenin is extracted in a lab and converted to a molecule that's exactly like human progesterone and added back to the cream. Some companies sell wild yam cream, but unless it has been converted in a lab it is useless, because the body can't convert wild yam to progesterone on its own.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, and anchovies. They are also available in fish oil capsules, which may be the preferable form because good brands contain minimal amounts of PCBs and dioxins.

Several studies
have found that omega-3 fatty acids may be beneficial for people with endometriosis. For example, an animal study by the University of Western Ontario found that fish oil containing two specific compounds, EPA and DHA, can relieve pain by decreasing levels of an inflammatory chemical called prostaglandin E2. Researchers also found that fish oil could slow the growth of endometrial tissue.

See chart-

Stress Reduction
Cortisol is a hormone involved in the stress response but is also needed to make other hormones such as progesterone.

Herbs and nutrients that alternative practitioners commonly recommend for stress reduction include:
B vitamins
Vitamin C

Ginger Tea
Ginger tea may relieve the nausea that can occur with endometriosis.

Orac values see:

Endometriosis and pregnancy. Endometriosis can cause infertility for many women. Aggressive treatment good nutrition for prevention and relief of pain increases the ability to become pregnant.


Alternative medicine
A dr. that uses alternative treatments and info on those treatments

Nutritional information

Acupuncture for endometriosis

Herbal Remedies by Amanda M. Crawford

Amanda M. Crawford, author of 'Herbal Remedies for Women' recommends the following nutritional supplements daily for women suffering from endometriosis:

vitamin B complex (containing 2 milligrams B-6)
use as directed on label
folic acid
150 micrograms
liquid potassium (taken in recommended doses)
3 times a day
flax seed oil
start at 1/8-teaspoon doses; increase to 1 teaspoon per dose or more as tolerated
vitamin E 8-1 0 milligrams alpha-TE (alpha tocopherol equivalent)
may use 200-600 IU (up to 1,200 IU maximum)
400 milligrams
800 milligrams
vitamin A
800 RE (retinol equivalent); may use 5,000 IU (up to 50,000 IU for four months or less)
vitamin D
10 RE; may use 400 IU (up to 1,000 IU maximum)
vitamin C
300 milligrams (up to 1 0 grams)
evening primrose oil (for GLA - Gamma-Linolenic Acid)
eight 500 milligram capsules per day for six to ten weeks, if women can afford this dose (most effective)

Pregnancy and endometriosis

Hypnotherapy treatment

Treatment considerations

Foods to avoid

Below see an example of a healthy meal that supports the body to delay or live a better life with Endometiosis:
Eating Healthy Template                        
          creating a healthy meal for endometreosis
This meal is very similar to the meal for kidney’s as the two organs function together (kidney and reproductive) on the energy chart.

              There is evidence that a group of plant chemicals called flavones can inhibit aromatase, the enzyme that converts androgens to estrogens. Good food sources of flavones are celery and parsley.
              Fish oil containing two specific compounds, EPA and DHA, can relieve pain by decreasing levels of an inflammatory chemical called prostaglandin E2.
              Researchers also found that fish oil could slow the growth of endometrial tissue.
              Flaxseeds are high in lignans and fiber, which have been found to be beneficial for estrogen-related conditions.
      1.   Design Your Meal. List pH (+4 to -4) Value Next to Each Food/Beverage

4oz wild caught salmon 29.14g with parsley and seasoning of choice
Total fat
 Salmon 15.21 spinach 0.47g broccoli 0.55g romaine 0.22g cucumber 0.14g Bell pepper 0.17g celery 0.17g carrots 0.23g onions 0.26g  tomato 0.59g green tea zero  flaxseeds 6.59g olive oil 216g per serving total=315.84g

 spinach 6.75g broccoli 8.19g romaine 2.65g
Tomato 8.35g bell pepper 5.92g celery 4.38g onions 13.81g
Carrot 12.37g   green tea 0.2g flaxseeds 6.64g cucumber 2.87g
Saturated fat
0.62g flaxseeds   2g per tablespoon olive oil
Raw and / or
 spinach 4.32g broccoli 4.68g romaine 1.90g
tomato 1.98g bell pepper 1.84g celery 2.04g carrots 3.66g cucumber 0.8g Onions 2.88g  green tea zero flaxseeds 5.41g
Tomato, green pepper, onion, celery, green cucumber
 green spinach, green romaine, green broccoli, carrot,
Romaine lettuce,  celery, spinach, bell pepper
Green tea
Any fruit ( eaten three hours after consuming meal)
Wash and prepare salad foods and toss lightly in a bowl
Dress with flaxseed dressing, season to taste
Flaxseed dressing made from flaxseed, lemon juice, Dijon mustard, garlic, olive oil, sea salt, seasoning to taste
7 minute quick Broil salmon

              Healthiest foods recipes-  Flaxseed dressing page 515 Quick broil salmon page 481
      2.   Nutrient Analysis
Which Mitochondrial Energy Nutrients are found in your meal? (List the food source as well)     

Nutrients Required

              B2- spinach, Romaine , broccoli, celery, tomatoes
              B1- romaine , spinach, tomatoes, celery, broccoli
              B3- salmon
              B5- broccoli, tomato
              Alpha-Lipoic Acid- broccoli, spinach
              Glucose- foods with carbohydrates
              Phosphorus- salmon, garlic
              Magnesium-spinach, romaine, green bell pepper, celery, cucumber
              Pyruvate- formed from glucose
              Acetyl coenzyme A- conversion from B5
              Acetyl L-carnitine- from amino acids and lysine- salmon
              Phosphorus- salmon, flax seeds
              Magnesium- spinach, salmon, broccoli
              Sulfur-broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, parsley, garlic
              Copper-spinach, tomatoes
              Coenzyme Q 10- salmon
              D-ribose-spinach, broccoli
List 4 additional nutrients found in your meal and the food they are most abundant in.
 1. Spinach- vitamin k 888.5mcg                                                                                              
2. Carrot- vitamin A 54,317.4 IU                      
3. Bell peppers- vitamin C 174.8mg                 
4. Spinach- vitamin B6 0.4mg   

3.   pH Analysis

Alkalizing Total
With organic correction +5
Alkalizing Number
Acidifying Total
New Denominator
Alkalizing Number
Alkalizing Percentage

Bell pepper +2  tomato -2  onion +2  romaine +3  carrot +2   broccoli +4  celery +1    green tea +2  cucumber +3 flaxseeds +2  salmon -1 garlic+2  olive oil +2  parsley+4 all organic +5
4.   ORAC Values. List Top 5 to 8 ORAC Values for your meal.
Oxygen Radical Absorption capacity

1. Romaine lettuce
5. Bell peppers
-2. broccoli
6. Olive oil
3. celery
7. spinach
4. Carrot
9. Green tea
11. flaxseeds


8. Tomato
10. Cucumber
12. garlic

5.   List the estimated total number of Fiber, Calories, and Refined Sugar in your meal.

Fiber (grams)
Sugar (grams)
Sugar (teaspoons)

Calories- lettuce 16, spinach 41, celery 19, broccoli 44, carrots 53, bell peppers 25,  olive oil 100,  tomato 38,  green tea 2, cucumber 14, 4oz. wild caught salmon 262, flaxseeds 95.33 total= 709

What type of exercise and how many minutes of exercise will it take to completely burn off this meal?  race walking- 1 hour and 30 min                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

6.   Food Combining

Which foods in your meal combine well so as to optimize digestion?
 No starch with the protein, greens to help digestion          primary nutrients to support cells will work the body at it’s highest level  foods to support the reproductive organs                                                                                                                                                                                                           

7.   Energetics.  Which Organs Are Affected By Your Meal and what is the expected outcome on the emotional state and the body?  Select the top 2 Organs.

Kidney / urinary bladder
Emotional Output
Trust, anxiety, worry
Associated Tissues Affected
Ears, reproductive, urine, semen
Climate / direction
Cold / north
Tissues Affected

Smiley Face or Frowny Face

Therapies to relieve the pain of endometriosis can include walks, meditation, life style change, message, or any stress relieving therapies.  Stress is a big factor in the pain related to this disease. One would want to participate in some form of cardio activity for no less than 30 minutes per day and no less than every other day.