Sunday, May 22, 2011

New blog

Please follow my writings on for experieces of my writing class at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts.

Now for the garden, it is finally in place. We turned the soil and put mushroom soil in it. We tilled it all in several times. I was given 11 Roma tomato plants and then bought eight of various varieties of the larger tomato plants including one yellow tomato.

I also planted zuccini seeds, water melon seeds, pepper plants of green bell, red bell, yellow bell, and halopino. Then I planted scallion seeds and beet seeds. it has been along wait as we have had heavy rain and mild flooding for weeks here in Pa.

I also planted a new herb garden as only two plants lived from my previous plants I brought from my other house. The lemon verbena and a mint. Flowers and herbs for generations have had specific meanings especially to the victorians who engulfed themselves in hordiculture.  The medaphysical meanings of my herbs are:
mini Roses for Love, Psychic Powers, Healing, Love, Divination, Luck, Protection
 Lavender for Love, Protection, Sleep, Chastity (with rosemary), Longevity, Purification, Happiness, Peace
 Rosemary for Protection, Love, Lust, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Purification, Healing, Sleep, Youth
 Thyme for Health, Healing, Sleep, Psychic Powers, Love, Purification, Courage
Oregano for  happiness, tranquility, good luck, health, and protection
Mint for  Money, Love, Lust, Healing, Exorcism, Travel, Protection
Basil for Love, Exorcism, Wealth, Flying, Protection. Causes sympathy between two people and soothes tempers between lovers. Add to love sachets and incenses. Place in cash register or on doorsill of business to attract customers. Use when invoking elemental salamanders or communing with dragons. Also used for courage.
Taraggon for protection

For more information see:

Victorians and the Language of Flowers

Since most herbs are known by many folk names, use your Find command to find specific herbs on this page. For a more detailed look at the properties of the herbs ...