Wednesday, January 12, 2011

nutrition and female reproduction

It has been a while since I have written but it is time to share something we rarely know the answers to. So here is a small article I wrote for my class assignment this week. Hope you find it interesting.

For many years the cycle that turns monthly for a woman has been celebrated, cursed, and misjudged. Science at one time thought a woman to be of weakest mind during her menstruating cycle, and deserved confinement and rejection from the social contact of life.

Today we know differently. Although the cycle can be different for all women, today it is embraced as normal part of life and eased by various medications, clinical health, and holistic approaches.
Still every day science helps discover things they did not know or chose to not validate in the past. Holistic approach is proving out tried and true. Yet again we come full circle to common sense, and find nutrition the key to normal reproduction life cycle and the connection to the whole body.
It is the connection to the body as a whole that is the most amazing revelation we can embrace.

SURPRISE!!Normal thyroid function is needed to provide sexual energy and motivation. Adrenal glands not only help us deal with stress but give us sexual energy. It is sugar intake that can weaken these glands located just above the kidneys. Women often crave these sweets just before or during the cycle.
Vitamin C, A,  and E, essential fatty acids, B vitamins, antithetic acid and chromium along with amino acids will reduce these cravings and support the Adrenal glands. Also folic acid, and zinc.
The female hormone balance is therefore delicate. They are influenced by the pituitary gland in the brain, and some higher brain centers. These in turn are affected by emotions, moon cycles, weather, and seasons. All this mediated through the liver’s biochemical processes. Stress to the liver causes unbalanced hormones and the reduction of sexual desire.

So go ahead and forget that idea of female sexual stimulants and eat those fruits, veggies, fish and nourishing foods. After all, not only do you get to eat the foods you love but you will have the strength to celebrate after!


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