Sunday, November 21, 2010

food journals

It is always interesting when doing these journals. We do not really know what goes into our mouths unless we keep such a journal. The first week of nutrition class was a crazy week for me and I did not cook at home as much nor did I make the best food choices. Now sometimes I choose not to eat if the only choice is a bad one untill I can make a better choice. I think about the nutrient value of my foods and what my family needs. It is an interesting journey.
I am glad for my better choices but I realise the limitations in this country for healthy foods when not prepared at home.

Even the use of sunlight is important. If you skip any vitamins do not skip essential B complex, vitamin k, vitamin A and D. These are nessasary for good health.

Vitamin D is received from the sun. With all the cancer scares of the sun today we live in our homes and do not venture out as we should. Vitamin D promotes bone health and is implicated as a major factor in pathology of at least 17 varieties of cancer. Our ability to absorb calcium is essential to vitamin D. It also promotes muscle contraction and muscle health, keeps the immune system healthy, our cells are alerted. In the summer our vitamin A drops and vitamin D goes up if you go out in the sun even for a short time.

Vitamin A is essential for vision, digestive health, respiratory health, acitve cells, good skin integrety. We need to think color. Think yellow, orange, and green vegetables. These are primarily given to us by nature in the fall and winter foods. These vitamins seem to compliment one another.

Mother nature knows what she is doing and it promotes good health to eat according to seasons.

Vitamin C is an amazing vitamin. It can actually kill a virises and foreign micro organisms and aids in immune health. It even helps produce healthy bowl movements. This is not stored by the body just like B complex vitamins and needs to be replaced daily.

Vitamin K promotes bone strenghth, blood clotting factor, used by bones to grab what it needs to mend and strengthen, weight bearing exercises inforce good bone and muscular health.

Vitamin E is essential for vascular health. Taking vitamin E is a great way to lower your blood pressure. Keeping our vascular system in tact is essential to life.

Well folks I hope this has been of some interest and happy cooking and a festive Thaanksgiving.

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