It is important for us to be alkaline in our bodies and not acidic. This keeps disease at bay, and does not give them an environment in which to grow. Our immune system works best at that level. What is the proper level?
Urine below 6.0 is very acidic
Urine between 6.1 and 7.0 Optimal pH ranges Your vitamin and mineral reserves are healthy
Urine greater than 7.1 = possible reactive Alkalosis from severe mineral depletion
We have been asked to test daily morning and evening and I am finding my results to be:
between 6.0 and 6.4
I attribute this to my change of diet. I have not changed what I eat so much as what the quality is. I have switched to organic foods, and find I need less to sustain my appetite. It would have been interesting to know where I would have been before my diet change.
Everyone should take the time to test themselves as this is part of optimal health.
PH is the study of the amount of Hydrogen in a substance.
The more hydrogen present the more Alkaline. What causes Acidity? Vitamin, mineral, and Antioxidant deficiencies. How to increase your Alkaline, have enough vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, be pesticide free, hormone free foods, eat organic, eat chlorophyll rich green foods and healthy oils.

Thursday, November 4, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
treating Eczema
This week I was asked by a client to address Eczema. The following paper was from the research found that I completed for last weeks class. I hope if any of you suffer from this condition you will find this helpful. Quercetin is one of the holistic ways used to treat this condition, along with diet, and proper PH balance.
As with any supplement, Quercetin should be taken with care if on other medications. Since Quercetin enhances vitamin C, or other citrus bioflavonoid it is best to err with caution. Some have reported mouth soars, head aches, and digestive upset.
A combination of Quercetin, vitamin C, bromelain, along with prominent falconoid such as hesperidin and rutin are recommended. is a type of flavonoid, often manufactures label these as plant pigments that give fruits, flowers, and vegetables their color and bioflavonoids as supplement manufactures call them. It is primarily found in fruits, apples, onions, parsley, tea, and red wine. Quercetin is a potent antioxidant combating free radical molecules. It also helpful in anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy effects, inhibits the release of histamine making it valuable for allergies, hay fever, asthma, sinusitis and inflammation disorders. It also has been known to alleviate bruising, edema, varicose veins, and fragile capillaries, and anti-cancer effects. It is a strong inhibitor of human lens aldose reductase, an enzyme that plays a part in the formation of diabetic cataracts, neuropathy, and retinopathy. site was clear that no toxicity exists taking Quercetin.
Quercetin taken in large doses over a long period with other anti-oxidants such as vitamin C can cause a pro- oxidant effect. The side effect of joint inflammation can occur. When Quercetin is taken on an empty stomach, in large doses, may also experience heart burn, or acid reflux. Eating a meal and taking it half way through is the best treatment.
Vitamin C and Quercetin work well together, taken properly. The usual dose is 200-500 mg. but a large dose of as much as 800 may be suggested. Doses should be taken 2-3 times a day, spreading it out through the day has the best results. Taken 15 minutes before meals or half way through if you experience digestive upset.Drug reactions
In general keep doses low and reasonable. It is not suggested to raise your dose above 1500 mg ( equal to 3separate 500mg doses). Quercetin bromelin is suggested to enhance your supplement. Bromelain is an enzyme
Which helps your system to digest and absorb Quertecin.
Problems can occur, if the medication says it can not be taken with Quercetin. If this is the case these foods to avoid are onions, apples, apple juice, grapefruit, grapefruit juice, orange juice, pomegranate juice, white, green & black teas. These foods have higher concentrations of Quercetin.
Causes of Eczema
Many medications (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and indomethacin work by blocking prostaglandins. These are small protein messengers that circulate through out the body and cause pain and inflammation, but others bring healing and repair. However all NSAIDs block all prostaglandins halting the healing process. This causes a risk of ulcers, damage to mucus membranes of the intestines, bleeding and gastrointestinal inflammation.
Eating less land-animal fat will help normalize inflammatory prostaglandis and decrease the production of the pro-inflammatory prostaglandis. Increasing consumption of fish, nuts, and seeds will bring better health.
Stay with olive oil for salads, and grape seed oil for stir frying. Use only filtered water, and drink rice protein nutrient drinks. Listen to your body and how it reacts to decrease or eliminate foods as needed.
People in general with Eczema have low omega 3 fatty acids. Studies show that conversion from linoleic acid to gamma linoleic acid is often impaired in people with these types of skin conditions. Some of the most effective are Evening Primrose, flax ,or Borage oil and EPA and DHA from fish oil. Evening Primrose oil or borage oil, 2000-3000 mg per day in divided doses is suggested. Fish oil should be taken 1500-4000 mg per day divided in doses. Fungal infections
There needs to be a balance of micro flora in the intestines as this is fundamental in treating Eczema. Probiotics are the intestinal bacteria that keeps things in check. It keeps infections, yeast, parasites, viruses, and fungi from forming. It aids in digestion, synthesizes vitamins, reduces blood ammonia levels, lowers cholesterol, neutralizes carcinogens and stimulates the immune system. Probiotics should be taken at 500 mg two times per day. A high potency, high quality multi vitamin / mineral, supplying optimal levels of nutrients, at least until you have corrected your diet to organic and give reasonable time for your body to make adjustments. Your nutrient goal should be from your diet.Today if you are not eating healthy organic foods, there is a enormous level of chemicals and toxins that contribute to this disease. Years ago disease was not so common and people were treated at home in most cases successfully due to the fact our foods gave us the full nutritional value we needed to produce the bacterial flora to maintain our bodies systems. Today people eat foods with little or no nutrition and suffer from high caloric diets lacking in the important vitamins and minerals to sustain life. Vitamin C should be 2000-3000 mg per day divided up in doses. Sources include broccoli, kale, peppers, guava, cabbage, spinach, lemons, oranges, papayas.
Quercertin is the most effective bioflavonoid for anti-inflammatory disease such as Eczema. Quercetin has also been shown to reduce pain and to protect the cell membranes due to antioxidant activity. Along with Quercertin vitamin C and zinc should be taken.
Zinc is involved as a cofactor with delta 6- desaturase enzyme system which produces Series 1 prostaglandins. Zink can be used orally or topically in zinc oxide ointment and taken together with copper to not cause an imbalance. Zinc should be 30 mg long term to 90 mg short term per day with 2mg of copper. Eat oysters, whole grains, nuts, liver, leafy vegetables.
Herbs such as Turmeric possess anti-inflammatory properties that are comparable to those of cortisone and phenylbutazone. Curcumin, the yellow pigment in turmeric is even more potent especially in acute cases where cortizone and phenylbutazone are associated with toxicity. Curcumin shows no toxicity at all. Curcumin works directly by inhibiting the production and release of leukotrienes and other inflammatory mediators.
Turmeric should be taken at 400 mg three times per day and used liberally as a spice powder.
Burdock root and Milk thistle
Burdock should be taken 1 oz fresh, or 3-9 grams dries in soups, stews, congees, or teas.Liver damage can occur by the action of leukotrienes, therefore milk thistle is an exceptional herb to prevent liver destruction and enhance liver functions. Milk thistle should be 140 mg three times per day.
Ginkgo Biloba
The extract has been shown to be a potent inhibitor of platelet-activating factor, a powerful stimulator of platelet aggregation and degranulation, which releases allergic and inflammatory components. It is also involved in other inflammatory and allergic processes that increase vascular permeability. Ginkgo leaf extracts are among the leading medicines in Germany and France. Ginkgo biloba should be 40 mg three times per day.
Ziziphus jujuba
(Chinese date) is known in traditional Chinese medicine. It contains vitamins A, B2, and C as well as calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Due to it’s high nucleotide content and results in a decreased production of inflammatory prostaglandins. Should be taken as 3-5 pieces, 2-3 times per week.
Astragalus Membranaceus
(milk vetch root) is the primary herb used in Chinese medicine to notify the immune system of the lungs, and the lungs are directly related to the skin. Just like Burdock Root it is one of the herbs that are recommended for weekly or even daily use as it is easily incorporated into soups, stews congees, and teas. Shown to be an immune stimulant, diuretic and antiseptic properties. Astragalus should be taken as 250 mg three times per day or 3-12 grams dried in soups, stews, or tea.and seeds have been use in Chinese and western medicine for many skin diseases. It contributes to liver detoxification pathways, and it further has a diuretic action causing the kidneys to clear the blood of harmful acids. It contains insulin (polysaccaride), iron, calcium, and vitamin C. Therefore it aids in digestion, which is important to keeping things in balance as discussed. It is also a lymphatic cleanser which is essential to inflammatory conditions. Burdock root just like Astragalus is one of the herbs that are recommended for weekly or even daily use.are a common cause of Eczema. Candida infection is common.
Often a person must under go a yeast self testing, blood testing, complete stool and digestive analysis to see if yeast is a factor. plays an crucial part in this disease. Supplements and herbs will support diet change to combat this inflammatory disease. Color agents, flavorings, preservatives, emulsifiers, and others all contribute to this disease, including asthma. Therefore the person must eliminate all of these including soaps, household cleaners, shampoos, other toiletries, lotions and even sanitary pads. Sevier cases will include the carpet, upholstery, mattress, gas stoves, and other areas of home and work. Foods must be eliminated for at least 4-6 months to give the body sufficient time to rebalance and reduce inflammation. The program allows all fruit except citrus, (may cause itching) all vegetables except tomatoes, (painful joints) eggplant, potatoes, and peppers and white rice. It will take several months while the digestive system is healing.
Include inadequate nutrient intake, imbalanced intestinal flora, leaky gut, food allergies, and environmental contaminants. Other factors include stress, pets, humidity, dust, mold, wool clothing, cosmetics, sweat, bacterial infections, hormone imbalance, and food allergies to name a few. Foods can include wheat, milk, eggs, tomatoes, fish, chocolate, and cheese for a start. Narrowing these down may be difficult. These food allergies can cause leaky gut syndrome, due to damage to the intestinal lining.
As with any supplement, Quercetin should be taken with care if on other medications. Since Quercetin enhances vitamin C, or other citrus bioflavonoid it is best to err with caution. Some have reported mouth soars, head aches, and digestive upset.
A combination of Quercetin, vitamin C, bromelain, along with prominent falconoid such as hesperidin and rutin are recommended. is a type of flavonoid, often manufactures label these as plant pigments that give fruits, flowers, and vegetables their color and bioflavonoids as supplement manufactures call them. It is primarily found in fruits, apples, onions, parsley, tea, and red wine. Quercetin is a potent antioxidant combating free radical molecules. It also helpful in anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy effects, inhibits the release of histamine making it valuable for allergies, hay fever, asthma, sinusitis and inflammation disorders. It also has been known to alleviate bruising, edema, varicose veins, and fragile capillaries, and anti-cancer effects. It is a strong inhibitor of human lens aldose reductase, an enzyme that plays a part in the formation of diabetic cataracts, neuropathy, and retinopathy. site was clear that no toxicity exists taking Quercetin.
Quercetin taken in large doses over a long period with other anti-oxidants such as vitamin C can cause a pro- oxidant effect. The side effect of joint inflammation can occur. When Quercetin is taken on an empty stomach, in large doses, may also experience heart burn, or acid reflux. Eating a meal and taking it half way through is the best treatment.
Vitamin C and Quercetin work well together, taken properly. The usual dose is 200-500 mg. but a large dose of as much as 800 may be suggested. Doses should be taken 2-3 times a day, spreading it out through the day has the best results. Taken 15 minutes before meals or half way through if you experience digestive upset.Drug reactions
In general keep doses low and reasonable. It is not suggested to raise your dose above 1500 mg ( equal to 3separate 500mg doses). Quercetin bromelin is suggested to enhance your supplement. Bromelain is an enzyme
Which helps your system to digest and absorb Quertecin.
Problems can occur, if the medication says it can not be taken with Quercetin. If this is the case these foods to avoid are onions, apples, apple juice, grapefruit, grapefruit juice, orange juice, pomegranate juice, white, green & black teas. These foods have higher concentrations of Quercetin.
Causes of Eczema
Many medications (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and indomethacin work by blocking prostaglandins. These are small protein messengers that circulate through out the body and cause pain and inflammation, but others bring healing and repair. However all NSAIDs block all prostaglandins halting the healing process. This causes a risk of ulcers, damage to mucus membranes of the intestines, bleeding and gastrointestinal inflammation.
Eating less land-animal fat will help normalize inflammatory prostaglandis and decrease the production of the pro-inflammatory prostaglandis. Increasing consumption of fish, nuts, and seeds will bring better health.
Stay with olive oil for salads, and grape seed oil for stir frying. Use only filtered water, and drink rice protein nutrient drinks. Listen to your body and how it reacts to decrease or eliminate foods as needed.
People in general with Eczema have low omega 3 fatty acids. Studies show that conversion from linoleic acid to gamma linoleic acid is often impaired in people with these types of skin conditions. Some of the most effective are Evening Primrose, flax ,or Borage oil and EPA and DHA from fish oil. Evening Primrose oil or borage oil, 2000-3000 mg per day in divided doses is suggested. Fish oil should be taken 1500-4000 mg per day divided in doses. Fungal infections
There needs to be a balance of micro flora in the intestines as this is fundamental in treating Eczema. Probiotics are the intestinal bacteria that keeps things in check. It keeps infections, yeast, parasites, viruses, and fungi from forming. It aids in digestion, synthesizes vitamins, reduces blood ammonia levels, lowers cholesterol, neutralizes carcinogens and stimulates the immune system. Probiotics should be taken at 500 mg two times per day. A high potency, high quality multi vitamin / mineral, supplying optimal levels of nutrients, at least until you have corrected your diet to organic and give reasonable time for your body to make adjustments. Your nutrient goal should be from your diet.Today if you are not eating healthy organic foods, there is a enormous level of chemicals and toxins that contribute to this disease. Years ago disease was not so common and people were treated at home in most cases successfully due to the fact our foods gave us the full nutritional value we needed to produce the bacterial flora to maintain our bodies systems. Today people eat foods with little or no nutrition and suffer from high caloric diets lacking in the important vitamins and minerals to sustain life. Vitamin C should be 2000-3000 mg per day divided up in doses. Sources include broccoli, kale, peppers, guava, cabbage, spinach, lemons, oranges, papayas.
Quercertin is the most effective bioflavonoid for anti-inflammatory disease such as Eczema. Quercetin has also been shown to reduce pain and to protect the cell membranes due to antioxidant activity. Along with Quercertin vitamin C and zinc should be taken.
Zinc is involved as a cofactor with delta 6- desaturase enzyme system which produces Series 1 prostaglandins. Zink can be used orally or topically in zinc oxide ointment and taken together with copper to not cause an imbalance. Zinc should be 30 mg long term to 90 mg short term per day with 2mg of copper. Eat oysters, whole grains, nuts, liver, leafy vegetables.
Herbs such as Turmeric possess anti-inflammatory properties that are comparable to those of cortisone and phenylbutazone. Curcumin, the yellow pigment in turmeric is even more potent especially in acute cases where cortizone and phenylbutazone are associated with toxicity. Curcumin shows no toxicity at all. Curcumin works directly by inhibiting the production and release of leukotrienes and other inflammatory mediators.
Turmeric should be taken at 400 mg three times per day and used liberally as a spice powder.
Burdock root and Milk thistle
Burdock should be taken 1 oz fresh, or 3-9 grams dries in soups, stews, congees, or teas.Liver damage can occur by the action of leukotrienes, therefore milk thistle is an exceptional herb to prevent liver destruction and enhance liver functions. Milk thistle should be 140 mg three times per day.
Ginkgo Biloba
The extract has been shown to be a potent inhibitor of platelet-activating factor, a powerful stimulator of platelet aggregation and degranulation, which releases allergic and inflammatory components. It is also involved in other inflammatory and allergic processes that increase vascular permeability. Ginkgo leaf extracts are among the leading medicines in Germany and France. Ginkgo biloba should be 40 mg three times per day.
Ziziphus jujuba
(Chinese date) is known in traditional Chinese medicine. It contains vitamins A, B2, and C as well as calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Due to it’s high nucleotide content and results in a decreased production of inflammatory prostaglandins. Should be taken as 3-5 pieces, 2-3 times per week.
Astragalus Membranaceus
(milk vetch root) is the primary herb used in Chinese medicine to notify the immune system of the lungs, and the lungs are directly related to the skin. Just like Burdock Root it is one of the herbs that are recommended for weekly or even daily use as it is easily incorporated into soups, stews congees, and teas. Shown to be an immune stimulant, diuretic and antiseptic properties. Astragalus should be taken as 250 mg three times per day or 3-12 grams dried in soups, stews, or tea.and seeds have been use in Chinese and western medicine for many skin diseases. It contributes to liver detoxification pathways, and it further has a diuretic action causing the kidneys to clear the blood of harmful acids. It contains insulin (polysaccaride), iron, calcium, and vitamin C. Therefore it aids in digestion, which is important to keeping things in balance as discussed. It is also a lymphatic cleanser which is essential to inflammatory conditions. Burdock root just like Astragalus is one of the herbs that are recommended for weekly or even daily use.are a common cause of Eczema. Candida infection is common.
Often a person must under go a yeast self testing, blood testing, complete stool and digestive analysis to see if yeast is a factor. plays an crucial part in this disease. Supplements and herbs will support diet change to combat this inflammatory disease. Color agents, flavorings, preservatives, emulsifiers, and others all contribute to this disease, including asthma. Therefore the person must eliminate all of these including soaps, household cleaners, shampoos, other toiletries, lotions and even sanitary pads. Sevier cases will include the carpet, upholstery, mattress, gas stoves, and other areas of home and work. Foods must be eliminated for at least 4-6 months to give the body sufficient time to rebalance and reduce inflammation. The program allows all fruit except citrus, (may cause itching) all vegetables except tomatoes, (painful joints) eggplant, potatoes, and peppers and white rice. It will take several months while the digestive system is healing.
Include inadequate nutrient intake, imbalanced intestinal flora, leaky gut, food allergies, and environmental contaminants. Other factors include stress, pets, humidity, dust, mold, wool clothing, cosmetics, sweat, bacterial infections, hormone imbalance, and food allergies to name a few. Foods can include wheat, milk, eggs, tomatoes, fish, chocolate, and cheese for a start. Narrowing these down may be difficult. These food allergies can cause leaky gut syndrome, due to damage to the intestinal lining.
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