Here is my cubbord now that I am in wk 12 closing out the first of several nutrition classes. It has been an eye opening experience, and my 1950 mentality cooking combined with modern organic healthy thinking has formed a bridge. Happilly I am combining the love of domestic life, dispite the fact I must also work away from home, and knowing how to take my favorite recipies putting them into a healthy plan.
Here you will see even more grains, beans, fiber foods, and healthy flours. These are things like my Grandmother's kitchen are apart of mine and the meat taking a near back seat to once was a forefront of the plate. This is cost effective, nutritional, and body pleasing. We find we are full faster and much more satified therefore eating less calories. Our money goes to better things and we do not eat out as before. Frankly with all the added junk I look at my plate in a resterant and wonder what is in it!
AHHHH! Domestic bliss of providing healthy nutrition at home as never before. So throw on that apron folks, and hit the kitchen! The holidays are comming and you can do better. Take those favorites and I challenge you to make them healthier.

Thursday, December 2, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
minerals missing in our foods
Has your food changed over the past 100 years?
This is an interesting question. Even in the 1950’s a peach still had the value of the soil nutrients that was passed to us and good health would come of eating it, although chemicals had already become part of the growing process. Now you would have to eat 56 peaches to get the same nutrition today. We have depleted our earth, and chemicals have not truly replaced what we have taken. We as a people have destroyed our planet, and only small farming with conscious awareness of our gardening habits, is the foods we eat even close to real food.
83% of the necessary minerals are missing from our foods today, according to a 1993 study. This causes a variety of diseases and health issues. These deficiencies cause havic in every part of our bodies. Lack of calcium causes brittle bones, lack of iodine causes thyroid problems and goiter, lack of iron in the blood causes anemia. Minerals are essential to the functioning of organ systems and our entire body. Some of these minerals exist in large amounts in our body such as calcium. Others such as manganese exist in trace amounts but are, nonetheless, critical to our health and well- being.
Minerals are inorganic substances (unnatural and man made) and they regulate processes within the body. Minerals are in different structures within the body to create enzymes, hormones, skeletal bones, skeletal tissues, teeth and fluids. Calcium and phosphorus are the two most common minerals found in the body. Some of the other prevalent minerals found in the body are; iron, zinc, sodium, potassium, magnesium, fluoride, sulfur, copper, and chloride.
If mineral levels are overabundant in the body, such as sodium, they may facilitate negative effects in the body. High sodium levels may elevate blood pressure. If mineral levels are inadequate in the body, such as iron, they may facilitate negative effects in the body. Low iron levels in women can produce anemia (a deficiency in blood iron levels). Anemia can restrict oxygen and carbon dioxide removal from the cells. Low calcium levels can facilitate irregular muscle contractions, bone density loss, blood clotting and improper brain functioning.
Here is a run-through of the main minerals your body needs and the effects of their deficiency:
Here is part of an article you will want to read:
Minerals Are Crucial For Health And Life
Dr. Linus Pauling, two-time Nobel Prize winner, stated, "You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency."
Every cell in your body must have minerals to live and function. Every beat of your heart requires minerals to happen. Your brain cells and nervous system utilize minerals to deliver electrical signals to every part of your body. Vitamins, enzymes, hormones, the immune system and almost all biological activities need a wide variety and amount of minerals to work right. And the skeletal structure, the skull, bones and teeth, depend on an adequate mineral supply to stay strong.
As an example, magnesium is the activator for over 300 enzymes. Also it is integral in the production of ATP, the energy compound of the body. Magnesium is seriously deficient in the average diet, yet mainstream medicine gives little attention to the body’s critical need for it.
Similarly, zinc is a component of all cells. It is a cofactor in nearly 70 different enzymes, and provides significant benefits for the immune system, growth and development of muscular and skeletal structures, and tissue repair. Today’s foods contain too little for our needs, especially those of children.
Many scientists realize that mineral deficiency is a major cause of much of the sickness, disease, aging and premature death that so dramatically effects the health of our population. (see web site for more info.)
This is why we hear so often to buy local and grow what you can. Real food rots quickly as it does not have frog genes or other genetically modified ingredience to help it from rotting. Any Dr. will tell you that if your Grandmother would not eat it you should not also. For many of us this means our Great Grandparents as food has been modified and depleted for as long as our grandparents have been living.
My own grandparents were born 1883 and 1894. They raised me after the death of my family, and the food on my table was very different than the foods of my grandchildren. Opening a cupboard of their homes shows boxes of prepackaged foods, no whole foods or grains except what has been added to their sugar cereals. All snacks are about taste and not about nutrition. Their little bodies being genetically modified through their foods.
Not even whole foods are the same today but the value is better than the cardboard boxes of highly salted, processed foods.
Locally we bought tomatoes from a farmer who had the most delicious variety. He said this was his late year as the seeds were no longer available. These heirloom varieties are sad to see disappear. Anyone who can should save the seeds and plant the heirloom varieties even if just for retaining history.
Plymouth plantation in Massachusetts is a fine example of historically saving seed and growing period correct plants. The foods from their plantation taste like real food as I remember as a child. When biting into a tomato of this quality the taste buds and body have an experience beyond words. You can feel the nutrients as the flavor feels like it is enriching you with each bite.
Children today do not know real food so they do not know what to expect when they eat it. They often turn up little noses to whole foods as they do not know it as food. We need to educate them before it is too late. We do not want the next generation to be the pill generation, simply not eating food at all but getting their dinner from a contraption much like a gum ball machine.
We must remember one thing about foods prepared 100 years ago. Although foods were overall more nutritious when grown once they hit the kitchen they soon became dead with over cooked mushy contributions to the family table. Stewing and roasting beyond value was most often the norm. Salads were new to the plate and most vegetables were only eaten raw if pickled for winter preservation. Meat although was not on the table daily but still broth and other things were especially given to the ill. Country folk had more of an advantage to good health than their smartly dressed city neighbors. Eating with the seasons gave much of an advantage to health as we learned this week about vitamin D diminished in winter due to lack of sun shine and vitamin A increased due to the orange, yellow and green vegetables of the fall months.
We do well to eat with the seasons such as our grandparents did, preserve what we can in the most nutritional manner, and not cook beyond value. Lessons from 100 years bringing good things to today’s plate from being educated today. The following site is a great account of Victorian food preparation and facts. A must read.
Here is some information I found:
An informative article, see below:
According to a recent study at the University of Colorado the nutrient density of food has declined significantly over the past 100 years. In fact nutrient density has declined approximately 40-60% over the past 100 years. That means that our food today typically has 50% fewer nutrients compared to the food that our grandparents ate. Nutrients such as the vitally important vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and phytochemicals are the foundation of healthy cells and a strong body. Today if you ate the same amount of vegetables that your grandparents ate you would only receive half the nutrients. Also your grandparent consumed on average 131 pounds of homegrown vegetables every year compared to 11 pounds today. And a recent study showed that only 11% of Americans eat 2 fruits and 3 vegetables every day. This unhealthy combination of nutrient poor foods and reduced intake is an open door for disease especially if it is applied over a lifetime. You can begin to reverse this trend today by simply making a conscious effort to include fresh, organic if possible, vegetables and fruit to every meal.
Below is a web site that has a very good article on food of 100 years ago and how it has changed.
This is an interesting question. Even in the 1950’s a peach still had the value of the soil nutrients that was passed to us and good health would come of eating it, although chemicals had already become part of the growing process. Now you would have to eat 56 peaches to get the same nutrition today. We have depleted our earth, and chemicals have not truly replaced what we have taken. We as a people have destroyed our planet, and only small farming with conscious awareness of our gardening habits, is the foods we eat even close to real food.
83% of the necessary minerals are missing from our foods today, according to a 1993 study. This causes a variety of diseases and health issues. These deficiencies cause havic in every part of our bodies. Lack of calcium causes brittle bones, lack of iodine causes thyroid problems and goiter, lack of iron in the blood causes anemia. Minerals are essential to the functioning of organ systems and our entire body. Some of these minerals exist in large amounts in our body such as calcium. Others such as manganese exist in trace amounts but are, nonetheless, critical to our health and well- being.
Minerals are inorganic substances (unnatural and man made) and they regulate processes within the body. Minerals are in different structures within the body to create enzymes, hormones, skeletal bones, skeletal tissues, teeth and fluids. Calcium and phosphorus are the two most common minerals found in the body. Some of the other prevalent minerals found in the body are; iron, zinc, sodium, potassium, magnesium, fluoride, sulfur, copper, and chloride.
If mineral levels are overabundant in the body, such as sodium, they may facilitate negative effects in the body. High sodium levels may elevate blood pressure. If mineral levels are inadequate in the body, such as iron, they may facilitate negative effects in the body. Low iron levels in women can produce anemia (a deficiency in blood iron levels). Anemia can restrict oxygen and carbon dioxide removal from the cells. Low calcium levels can facilitate irregular muscle contractions, bone density loss, blood clotting and improper brain functioning.
Here is a run-through of the main minerals your body needs and the effects of their deficiency:
Here is part of an article you will want to read:
Minerals Are Crucial For Health And Life
Dr. Linus Pauling, two-time Nobel Prize winner, stated, "You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency."
Every cell in your body must have minerals to live and function. Every beat of your heart requires minerals to happen. Your brain cells and nervous system utilize minerals to deliver electrical signals to every part of your body. Vitamins, enzymes, hormones, the immune system and almost all biological activities need a wide variety and amount of minerals to work right. And the skeletal structure, the skull, bones and teeth, depend on an adequate mineral supply to stay strong.
As an example, magnesium is the activator for over 300 enzymes. Also it is integral in the production of ATP, the energy compound of the body. Magnesium is seriously deficient in the average diet, yet mainstream medicine gives little attention to the body’s critical need for it.
Similarly, zinc is a component of all cells. It is a cofactor in nearly 70 different enzymes, and provides significant benefits for the immune system, growth and development of muscular and skeletal structures, and tissue repair. Today’s foods contain too little for our needs, especially those of children.
Many scientists realize that mineral deficiency is a major cause of much of the sickness, disease, aging and premature death that so dramatically effects the health of our population. (see web site for more info.)
This is why we hear so often to buy local and grow what you can. Real food rots quickly as it does not have frog genes or other genetically modified ingredience to help it from rotting. Any Dr. will tell you that if your Grandmother would not eat it you should not also. For many of us this means our Great Grandparents as food has been modified and depleted for as long as our grandparents have been living.
My own grandparents were born 1883 and 1894. They raised me after the death of my family, and the food on my table was very different than the foods of my grandchildren. Opening a cupboard of their homes shows boxes of prepackaged foods, no whole foods or grains except what has been added to their sugar cereals. All snacks are about taste and not about nutrition. Their little bodies being genetically modified through their foods.
Not even whole foods are the same today but the value is better than the cardboard boxes of highly salted, processed foods.
Locally we bought tomatoes from a farmer who had the most delicious variety. He said this was his late year as the seeds were no longer available. These heirloom varieties are sad to see disappear. Anyone who can should save the seeds and plant the heirloom varieties even if just for retaining history.
Plymouth plantation in Massachusetts is a fine example of historically saving seed and growing period correct plants. The foods from their plantation taste like real food as I remember as a child. When biting into a tomato of this quality the taste buds and body have an experience beyond words. You can feel the nutrients as the flavor feels like it is enriching you with each bite.
Children today do not know real food so they do not know what to expect when they eat it. They often turn up little noses to whole foods as they do not know it as food. We need to educate them before it is too late. We do not want the next generation to be the pill generation, simply not eating food at all but getting their dinner from a contraption much like a gum ball machine.
We must remember one thing about foods prepared 100 years ago. Although foods were overall more nutritious when grown once they hit the kitchen they soon became dead with over cooked mushy contributions to the family table. Stewing and roasting beyond value was most often the norm. Salads were new to the plate and most vegetables were only eaten raw if pickled for winter preservation. Meat although was not on the table daily but still broth and other things were especially given to the ill. Country folk had more of an advantage to good health than their smartly dressed city neighbors. Eating with the seasons gave much of an advantage to health as we learned this week about vitamin D diminished in winter due to lack of sun shine and vitamin A increased due to the orange, yellow and green vegetables of the fall months.
We do well to eat with the seasons such as our grandparents did, preserve what we can in the most nutritional manner, and not cook beyond value. Lessons from 100 years bringing good things to today’s plate from being educated today. The following site is a great account of Victorian food preparation and facts. A must read.
Here is some information I found:
An informative article, see below:
According to a recent study at the University of Colorado the nutrient density of food has declined significantly over the past 100 years. In fact nutrient density has declined approximately 40-60% over the past 100 years. That means that our food today typically has 50% fewer nutrients compared to the food that our grandparents ate. Nutrients such as the vitally important vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and phytochemicals are the foundation of healthy cells and a strong body. Today if you ate the same amount of vegetables that your grandparents ate you would only receive half the nutrients. Also your grandparent consumed on average 131 pounds of homegrown vegetables every year compared to 11 pounds today. And a recent study showed that only 11% of Americans eat 2 fruits and 3 vegetables every day. This unhealthy combination of nutrient poor foods and reduced intake is an open door for disease especially if it is applied over a lifetime. You can begin to reverse this trend today by simply making a conscious effort to include fresh, organic if possible, vegetables and fruit to every meal.
Below is a web site that has a very good article on food of 100 years ago and how it has changed.
improvements of food choices
I have made a few food choices that are different now than I did eleven weeks ago when the nutrition class started. I have more whole grains and legumes in the cubbord than ever before and much less meat in the house. Now that is not to say we do not eat meat, but there are smaller portions of it and better choice cuts as far as leaness goes. I was always choosey about the cuts and we do not eat as much red meat as we did 20 years ago. Our diet has been heart healthy for at least 20 years.
Bran is my organic choice of the week, as you can throw it into nearly anything from baked goods to stuffing and meatloaf. It is an important factor to keeing cholesterol low, and ward off colon cancer. I was going to post a few pictures but blogger is not at it's top form today and will not insert pictures. I'll try later. Here is some nutritional information:
Nutritional Information on Wheat bran, crude
Serving Sizes:
100 grams
1 cup (58 grams)
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: (100 grams)
Amount Per Serving
Calories: 216
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 4g 6%
Saturated Fat 1g 3%
Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Sodium 2mg 0%
Total Carboydrates 65g 21%
Dietary Fiber 43g ~
Sugars 0g ~
Protein 16g 31%
Vitamin A 0% Vitamin C 0%
Iron 58% Calcium 7%
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs
Nutrient Information
Vitamins %DV
Vitamin A 9 IU 0%
Retinol 0 mcg
Retional Activity Equivalent 0 mcg
Alpha Carotene 0 mcg
Beta Carotene 6 mcg
Beta Cryptoxanthin 0 mcg
Lycopene 0 mcg
Lutein + Zeaxanthin 240 mcg
Vitamin C 0 mg 0%
Vitamin E 1.49 mg 4%
Vitamin K 1.9 mcg 3%
Thiamin 0.523 mg 34%
Riboflavin 0.577 mg 33%
Niacin 13.578 mg 67%
Vitamin B6 1.303 mg 65%
Vitamin B12 0 mcg 0%
Folate 79 mcg 19%
Food Folate 79 5.6 mcg ~
Folic Acid 0 mcg ~
Dietary Folate Equivalents 79 mcg ~
Pantothenic Acid 2.181 mcg 21%
Minerals %DV
Calcium 73 mg 7%
Iron 10.57 mg 58%
Magnesium 611 mg 152%
Phosphorus 1013 mg 101%
Potassium 1182 mg 49%
Sodium 2 mg 0%
Zinc 7.27 mg 48%
Copper 0.998 mg 49%
Manganese 11.5 mg 575%
Selenium 77.6 mcg 110%
Fats %DV
Total Fat 4.25 mg 6%
Saturated Fat 0.63 mg 3%
Monounsaturated Fat 0.637 mg ~
Polyunsaturated Fat 2.212 mg ~
Bran is my organic choice of the week, as you can throw it into nearly anything from baked goods to stuffing and meatloaf. It is an important factor to keeing cholesterol low, and ward off colon cancer. I was going to post a few pictures but blogger is not at it's top form today and will not insert pictures. I'll try later. Here is some nutritional information:
Nutritional Information on Wheat bran, crude
Serving Sizes:
100 grams
1 cup (58 grams)
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: (100 grams)
Amount Per Serving
Calories: 216
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 4g 6%
Saturated Fat 1g 3%
Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Sodium 2mg 0%
Total Carboydrates 65g 21%
Dietary Fiber 43g ~
Sugars 0g ~
Protein 16g 31%
Vitamin A 0% Vitamin C 0%
Iron 58% Calcium 7%
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs
Nutrient Information
Vitamins %DV
Vitamin A 9 IU 0%
Retinol 0 mcg
Retional Activity Equivalent 0 mcg
Alpha Carotene 0 mcg
Beta Carotene 6 mcg
Beta Cryptoxanthin 0 mcg
Lycopene 0 mcg
Lutein + Zeaxanthin 240 mcg
Vitamin C 0 mg 0%
Vitamin E 1.49 mg 4%
Vitamin K 1.9 mcg 3%
Thiamin 0.523 mg 34%
Riboflavin 0.577 mg 33%
Niacin 13.578 mg 67%
Vitamin B6 1.303 mg 65%
Vitamin B12 0 mcg 0%
Folate 79 mcg 19%
Food Folate 79 5.6 mcg ~
Folic Acid 0 mcg ~
Dietary Folate Equivalents 79 mcg ~
Pantothenic Acid 2.181 mcg 21%
Minerals %DV
Calcium 73 mg 7%
Iron 10.57 mg 58%
Magnesium 611 mg 152%
Phosphorus 1013 mg 101%
Potassium 1182 mg 49%
Sodium 2 mg 0%
Zinc 7.27 mg 48%
Copper 0.998 mg 49%
Manganese 11.5 mg 575%
Selenium 77.6 mcg 110%
Fats %DV
Total Fat 4.25 mg 6%
Saturated Fat 0.63 mg 3%
Monounsaturated Fat 0.637 mg ~
Polyunsaturated Fat 2.212 mg ~
Sunday, November 21, 2010
food journals
It is always interesting when doing these journals. We do not really know what goes into our mouths unless we keep such a journal. The first week of nutrition class was a crazy week for me and I did not cook at home as much nor did I make the best food choices. Now sometimes I choose not to eat if the only choice is a bad one untill I can make a better choice. I think about the nutrient value of my foods and what my family needs. It is an interesting journey.
I am glad for my better choices but I realise the limitations in this country for healthy foods when not prepared at home.
Even the use of sunlight is important. If you skip any vitamins do not skip essential B complex, vitamin k, vitamin A and D. These are nessasary for good health.
Vitamin D is received from the sun. With all the cancer scares of the sun today we live in our homes and do not venture out as we should. Vitamin D promotes bone health and is implicated as a major factor in pathology of at least 17 varieties of cancer. Our ability to absorb calcium is essential to vitamin D. It also promotes muscle contraction and muscle health, keeps the immune system healthy, our cells are alerted. In the summer our vitamin A drops and vitamin D goes up if you go out in the sun even for a short time.
Vitamin A is essential for vision, digestive health, respiratory health, acitve cells, good skin integrety. We need to think color. Think yellow, orange, and green vegetables. These are primarily given to us by nature in the fall and winter foods. These vitamins seem to compliment one another.
Mother nature knows what she is doing and it promotes good health to eat according to seasons.
Vitamin C is an amazing vitamin. It can actually kill a virises and foreign micro organisms and aids in immune health. It even helps produce healthy bowl movements. This is not stored by the body just like B complex vitamins and needs to be replaced daily.
Vitamin K promotes bone strenghth, blood clotting factor, used by bones to grab what it needs to mend and strengthen, weight bearing exercises inforce good bone and muscular health.
Vitamin E is essential for vascular health. Taking vitamin E is a great way to lower your blood pressure. Keeping our vascular system in tact is essential to life.
Well folks I hope this has been of some interest and happy cooking and a festive Thaanksgiving.
I am glad for my better choices but I realise the limitations in this country for healthy foods when not prepared at home.
Even the use of sunlight is important. If you skip any vitamins do not skip essential B complex, vitamin k, vitamin A and D. These are nessasary for good health.
Vitamin D is received from the sun. With all the cancer scares of the sun today we live in our homes and do not venture out as we should. Vitamin D promotes bone health and is implicated as a major factor in pathology of at least 17 varieties of cancer. Our ability to absorb calcium is essential to vitamin D. It also promotes muscle contraction and muscle health, keeps the immune system healthy, our cells are alerted. In the summer our vitamin A drops and vitamin D goes up if you go out in the sun even for a short time.
Vitamin A is essential for vision, digestive health, respiratory health, acitve cells, good skin integrety. We need to think color. Think yellow, orange, and green vegetables. These are primarily given to us by nature in the fall and winter foods. These vitamins seem to compliment one another.
Mother nature knows what she is doing and it promotes good health to eat according to seasons.
Vitamin C is an amazing vitamin. It can actually kill a virises and foreign micro organisms and aids in immune health. It even helps produce healthy bowl movements. This is not stored by the body just like B complex vitamins and needs to be replaced daily.
Vitamin K promotes bone strenghth, blood clotting factor, used by bones to grab what it needs to mend and strengthen, weight bearing exercises inforce good bone and muscular health.
Vitamin E is essential for vascular health. Taking vitamin E is a great way to lower your blood pressure. Keeping our vascular system in tact is essential to life.
Well folks I hope this has been of some interest and happy cooking and a festive Thaanksgiving.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
food journal and vitamins
We were asked this week to write a one day journal for our food and the value of those foods. The PH value was recorded also. it has been interesting how many B vitamins I consumed. Here is my findings:Daily Food & Lifestyle Journal:
Name: _____Jeanne__
Start Date:
Day _1___
2 soft boiled eggs
Lunch soup home made from:
cabbage, onion, carrot, miso
salad with sunflower seeds, romaine,celery
carrot, green pepper, pumpkin seeds
4 oz steak grilled 8 broiled scallops
Water &
Bevarages 1 8oz glass in the A.M.
2 cups coffee at breakfast
1 cup rosehips tea at dinner
(Total Minutes) no exercise routine
Emotional States calm, pleasant
Did You Sleep
Uninterrupted? takes a long time to fall a sleep
sleep is always broken
Dream? (Y/N) yes
Morning Energy a little tired at the beginning of the day
(Scale 1-10) (6)
1st Morning pH 6.0
Evening Energy calm, content when at home
(Scale 1-10) (9)
Last Evening pH 6.4
Bowel Movements normal 2-3 times per day
Vitamins from these foods were:
eggs- B2
soup- K, C, B6, B1, B2, A, B3
salad- K, A, C, B1, B2, B3, B6, E, B5,
Beef Steak- B12,B3, B6, B2
scallops- B12
Here are a few things these vitamins do:
B2= healthy nails, skin, hair growth, thyroid health, antioxidant,
activates vitamin B6, converts carbohydrates, helps transferr electrons in cellular oxidation, energy from protien, helps conversion of typtophan to niacin
B1= neurological, helps in glucose metabolism in diabetes
K= helps in metabolism pathways in bone and tissue, coverts glutamate in proteins in gamma-arboxyglutamate, blood clotting, treating Alzheimers
B3= also known as niacin helps in reducing bad cholesteral levels, helps with DNA repair, production of steroid hormones in the adrenal gland, prevents skin disorders
B6= the liver is the site for B6 metabolism, involved in many aspect of our metabolism, function of gene expression, neuro transmitter synthesis, hystimine synthesis,hemoglobin synthesis
B5= also called pantothenic acid, participates in a wide variety of key biological roles essential to life, wards off irrability, fatigue, synthesize carbohydrates, proteins, and fats
A= needed for the retina of the eye, important for especially low light vision
C= an antioxadant, protects against oxative stress, will not cue a common cold but prevent the frequency of the common cold, many diseases can be directedly from lack of this vitamin
B12= helps in brain and nervous function, involved in metabolism, effects DNA, largest most structually complicated vitamin
E= fat soluable antioxidant, protects cell membranes
Name: _____Jeanne__
Start Date:
Day _1___
2 soft boiled eggs
Lunch soup home made from:
cabbage, onion, carrot, miso
salad with sunflower seeds, romaine,celery
carrot, green pepper, pumpkin seeds
4 oz steak grilled 8 broiled scallops
Water &
Bevarages 1 8oz glass in the A.M.
2 cups coffee at breakfast
1 cup rosehips tea at dinner
(Total Minutes) no exercise routine
Emotional States calm, pleasant
Did You Sleep
Uninterrupted? takes a long time to fall a sleep
sleep is always broken
Dream? (Y/N) yes
Morning Energy a little tired at the beginning of the day
(Scale 1-10) (6)
1st Morning pH 6.0
Evening Energy calm, content when at home
(Scale 1-10) (9)
Last Evening pH 6.4
Bowel Movements normal 2-3 times per day
Vitamins from these foods were:
eggs- B2
soup- K, C, B6, B1, B2, A, B3
salad- K, A, C, B1, B2, B3, B6, E, B5,
Beef Steak- B12,B3, B6, B2
scallops- B12
Here are a few things these vitamins do:
B2= healthy nails, skin, hair growth, thyroid health, antioxidant,
activates vitamin B6, converts carbohydrates, helps transferr electrons in cellular oxidation, energy from protien, helps conversion of typtophan to niacin
B1= neurological, helps in glucose metabolism in diabetes
K= helps in metabolism pathways in bone and tissue, coverts glutamate in proteins in gamma-arboxyglutamate, blood clotting, treating Alzheimers
B3= also known as niacin helps in reducing bad cholesteral levels, helps with DNA repair, production of steroid hormones in the adrenal gland, prevents skin disorders
B6= the liver is the site for B6 metabolism, involved in many aspect of our metabolism, function of gene expression, neuro transmitter synthesis, hystimine synthesis,hemoglobin synthesis
B5= also called pantothenic acid, participates in a wide variety of key biological roles essential to life, wards off irrability, fatigue, synthesize carbohydrates, proteins, and fats
A= needed for the retina of the eye, important for especially low light vision
C= an antioxadant, protects against oxative stress, will not cue a common cold but prevent the frequency of the common cold, many diseases can be directedly from lack of this vitamin
B12= helps in brain and nervous function, involved in metabolism, effects DNA, largest most structually complicated vitamin
E= fat soluable antioxidant, protects cell membranes
Thursday, November 11, 2010
free range eggs
This week we are talking about non dairy and free range eggs. It is interesting that free range has various opinions. Our natural image is frolicking little chickens pecking and dancing among the tall grass and wide open fields. In some cases nothing could be farther from the truth. Especially in large commercial business.
Free range can be anything from a few hours of day light out side in large pens to indeed dancing among the farm yard. My neighbors here, that "free range" usually use two methods. One is to have little hen houses on wheels that are moved daily for clean scratching and bug hunting. The other is let them run free as nature intended.
The down fall of free running is hawks, owls, raccoons, and other predators. They may also leave eggs in undesirable places. This is the most natural way for them to live, but your neighbor who sees your chicken in their back yard may not agree, not to mention their dog. Putting the house on wheels with portable yard seems to protect the hens, keep the eggs within reach, and control disease by giving the cleanest housing possible. I have observed these methods and they both seem happy and content as long as the houses are not crowded.
Free range eggs are rich in color and the shells are firmer and have better calcium for those of you who disolve these for natural calcium in take. The flavor of confined hens with out any attempt to free range have no comparison for flavor to the free range eggs. Free range gives a full egg flavor and beautiful color to baked goods.
Egg whites contain adequate amounts of all essential fatty acids. They are a good source of inexpensive protein and contain iodine for good thyroid health. They contain carotenoid phytonutrient lutein, found to be important for good eye health. They are also one of the few sources of b vitamin, choline, a key ingredient to brain function, have low calories, only 68 in one egg. Brown eggs have no more nutritional value than white, but being from New England I love brown eggs.
Salmonella bacteria from chickens intestines may be found even in clean uncracked eggs. Washing eggs before cracking them is best but do not rub hard as they are porous and that would push the bacterial into the egg area. To kill Salmonella, the egg must reach internal temperature of 160 degrees effectively patureurizing them, or cooked at 140 degrees for at least 3 minutes. All eggs where the yolk is fully cooked are safe from Salmonella. Poached and soft boiled still reduce the risks as they take at least 3 minutes.You have no doubt noticed that raw egg risks are now listed at all eating areas where eggs are served. Remember to refrigerate even hard boiled eggs.
Although eggs are high in cholesterol, the egg whites are cholesterol free. Eggs contain 187 mg of cholesterol. Egg whites contain a compound called avidin that binds the B vitamin biotin which can lead to a deficiency of this nutrient in certain people. Cooking tham deactivates this avidin. Both whites and the yolks absorb chemicals and heavy metals, and any other polutants unless you chose organic eggs.
Here is some info on cholesterol medication:
drugs cause liver damage, kidney failure and cataracts, says BMJ
Sunday, November 07, 2010 by: David Gutierrez, staff writer
NaturalNews) Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs significantly increase a person's risk of cataracts, muscle weakness, liver dysfunction and kidney failure, according to a study in the British Medical Journal.
The study also confirmed that the drugs lower the risk of heart disease and esophageal cancer, but claims of other health benefits were unsupported.
Researchers from Nottingham University in the United Kingdom examined data on more than 2 million patients between the ages of 30 and 84, seen at 38 different general practices, who had been prescribed the cholesterol-lowering More than 70 percent were taking simvastatin (Zocor), 22.3 percent were taking atorvastatin (Lipitor), 3.6 percent were taking pravastatin (Pravachol, Selektine), 1.9 percent were taking rosuvastatin (Crestor) and 1.4 percent were taking fluvastatin (Canef, Lescol, Lochol, Vastin).
The researchers confirmed prior data suggesting increase patients' risk of cateracts, liver dysfunction, kidney_failure. kidney failureand a form of muscle weakness known as myopathy. They found that for every 10,000 women.women treated with the drugs, 23 would develop acute kidney (renal) failure. 39 would develop myopathy, 74 would develop liver dysfunction and 309 would develop cataracts. Men suffered an even higher development of myopathy, but their risks of the other three were similar to those suffered by women.
Putting it in different terms, the researchers found that only 434 people would need to be treated with the drugs for five years for one case of acute renal failure to develop. It would take only 136 treated for each case of liver dysfunction and 33 for each case of cataracts. Among women, 259 would need to be treated for each case of myopathy; among men, the number was only 91.
The risk of developing all conditions was highest during the first year of treatment, but continued throughout the course of the study. Risk of liver and kidney problems increased proportionally with the dose of statins being taken.
All drugs appeared to pose a similar risk of all conditions, with the exception of fluvastatin, which increased the risk of liver dysfunction more than its competitors. Men taking fluvastatin were twice as likely to develop liver dysfunction as those not taking statins, while women's risk increased by 2.5 times.
The researchers did find, however, that the risk of cataracts returned to normal within one year of stopping statin treatment, while the risk of liver and kidney problems returned to normal within one to three years. Additionally, they found no connection between statin use and the risk of dementia, osteoporotic fracture, Parkinson's disease, rheumatoid arthritis or venous thromboembolism.
Examining the purported benefits of the drugs, researchers found that they did in fact lower the risk of heart_disease, averting 271 cases for every 10,000 high-risk patients treated. Put another way, 33 high-risk men or 37 high-risk women would need to be treated with the drugs to avert one case of the disease.
Free range can be anything from a few hours of day light out side in large pens to indeed dancing among the farm yard. My neighbors here, that "free range" usually use two methods. One is to have little hen houses on wheels that are moved daily for clean scratching and bug hunting. The other is let them run free as nature intended.
The down fall of free running is hawks, owls, raccoons, and other predators. They may also leave eggs in undesirable places. This is the most natural way for them to live, but your neighbor who sees your chicken in their back yard may not agree, not to mention their dog. Putting the house on wheels with portable yard seems to protect the hens, keep the eggs within reach, and control disease by giving the cleanest housing possible. I have observed these methods and they both seem happy and content as long as the houses are not crowded.
Free range eggs are rich in color and the shells are firmer and have better calcium for those of you who disolve these for natural calcium in take. The flavor of confined hens with out any attempt to free range have no comparison for flavor to the free range eggs. Free range gives a full egg flavor and beautiful color to baked goods.
Egg whites contain adequate amounts of all essential fatty acids. They are a good source of inexpensive protein and contain iodine for good thyroid health. They contain carotenoid phytonutrient lutein, found to be important for good eye health. They are also one of the few sources of b vitamin, choline, a key ingredient to brain function, have low calories, only 68 in one egg. Brown eggs have no more nutritional value than white, but being from New England I love brown eggs.
Salmonella bacteria from chickens intestines may be found even in clean uncracked eggs. Washing eggs before cracking them is best but do not rub hard as they are porous and that would push the bacterial into the egg area. To kill Salmonella, the egg must reach internal temperature of 160 degrees effectively patureurizing them, or cooked at 140 degrees for at least 3 minutes. All eggs where the yolk is fully cooked are safe from Salmonella. Poached and soft boiled still reduce the risks as they take at least 3 minutes.You have no doubt noticed that raw egg risks are now listed at all eating areas where eggs are served. Remember to refrigerate even hard boiled eggs.
Although eggs are high in cholesterol, the egg whites are cholesterol free. Eggs contain 187 mg of cholesterol. Egg whites contain a compound called avidin that binds the B vitamin biotin which can lead to a deficiency of this nutrient in certain people. Cooking tham deactivates this avidin. Both whites and the yolks absorb chemicals and heavy metals, and any other polutants unless you chose organic eggs.
Here is some info on cholesterol medication:
drugs cause liver damage, kidney failure and cataracts, says BMJ
Sunday, November 07, 2010 by: David Gutierrez, staff writer
NaturalNews) Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs significantly increase a person's risk of cataracts, muscle weakness, liver dysfunction and kidney failure, according to a study in the British Medical Journal.
The study also confirmed that the drugs lower the risk of heart disease and esophageal cancer, but claims of other health benefits were unsupported.
Researchers from Nottingham University in the United Kingdom examined data on more than 2 million patients between the ages of 30 and 84, seen at 38 different general practices, who had been prescribed the cholesterol-lowering More than 70 percent were taking simvastatin (Zocor), 22.3 percent were taking atorvastatin (Lipitor), 3.6 percent were taking pravastatin (Pravachol, Selektine), 1.9 percent were taking rosuvastatin (Crestor) and 1.4 percent were taking fluvastatin (Canef, Lescol, Lochol, Vastin).
The researchers confirmed prior data suggesting increase patients' risk of cateracts, liver dysfunction, kidney_failure. kidney failureand a form of muscle weakness known as myopathy. They found that for every 10,000 women.women treated with the drugs, 23 would develop acute kidney (renal) failure. 39 would develop myopathy, 74 would develop liver dysfunction and 309 would develop cataracts. Men suffered an even higher development of myopathy, but their risks of the other three were similar to those suffered by women.
Putting it in different terms, the researchers found that only 434 people would need to be treated with the drugs for five years for one case of acute renal failure to develop. It would take only 136 treated for each case of liver dysfunction and 33 for each case of cataracts. Among women, 259 would need to be treated for each case of myopathy; among men, the number was only 91.
The risk of developing all conditions was highest during the first year of treatment, but continued throughout the course of the study. Risk of liver and kidney problems increased proportionally with the dose of statins being taken.
All drugs appeared to pose a similar risk of all conditions, with the exception of fluvastatin, which increased the risk of liver dysfunction more than its competitors. Men taking fluvastatin were twice as likely to develop liver dysfunction as those not taking statins, while women's risk increased by 2.5 times.
The researchers did find, however, that the risk of cataracts returned to normal within one year of stopping statin treatment, while the risk of liver and kidney problems returned to normal within one to three years. Additionally, they found no connection between statin use and the risk of dementia, osteoporotic fracture, Parkinson's disease, rheumatoid arthritis or venous thromboembolism.
Examining the purported benefits of the drugs, researchers found that they did in fact lower the risk of heart_disease, averting 271 cases for every 10,000 high-risk patients treated. Put another way, 33 high-risk men or 37 high-risk women would need to be treated with the drugs to avert one case of the disease.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
PH levels
It is important for us to be alkaline in our bodies and not acidic. This keeps disease at bay, and does not give them an environment in which to grow. Our immune system works best at that level. What is the proper level?
Urine below 6.0 is very acidic
Urine between 6.1 and 7.0 Optimal pH ranges Your vitamin and mineral reserves are healthy
Urine greater than 7.1 = possible reactive Alkalosis from severe mineral depletion
We have been asked to test daily morning and evening and I am finding my results to be:
between 6.0 and 6.4
I attribute this to my change of diet. I have not changed what I eat so much as what the quality is. I have switched to organic foods, and find I need less to sustain my appetite. It would have been interesting to know where I would have been before my diet change.
Everyone should take the time to test themselves as this is part of optimal health.
PH is the study of the amount of Hydrogen in a substance.
The more hydrogen present the more Alkaline. What causes Acidity? Vitamin, mineral, and Antioxidant deficiencies. How to increase your Alkaline, have enough vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, be pesticide free, hormone free foods, eat organic, eat chlorophyll rich green foods and healthy oils.
Urine below 6.0 is very acidic
Urine between 6.1 and 7.0 Optimal pH ranges Your vitamin and mineral reserves are healthy
Urine greater than 7.1 = possible reactive Alkalosis from severe mineral depletion
We have been asked to test daily morning and evening and I am finding my results to be:
between 6.0 and 6.4
I attribute this to my change of diet. I have not changed what I eat so much as what the quality is. I have switched to organic foods, and find I need less to sustain my appetite. It would have been interesting to know where I would have been before my diet change.
Everyone should take the time to test themselves as this is part of optimal health.
PH is the study of the amount of Hydrogen in a substance.
The more hydrogen present the more Alkaline. What causes Acidity? Vitamin, mineral, and Antioxidant deficiencies. How to increase your Alkaline, have enough vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, be pesticide free, hormone free foods, eat organic, eat chlorophyll rich green foods and healthy oils.
Monday, November 1, 2010
treating Eczema
This week I was asked by a client to address Eczema. The following paper was from the research found that I completed for last weeks class. I hope if any of you suffer from this condition you will find this helpful. Quercetin is one of the holistic ways used to treat this condition, along with diet, and proper PH balance.
As with any supplement, Quercetin should be taken with care if on other medications. Since Quercetin enhances vitamin C, or other citrus bioflavonoid it is best to err with caution. Some have reported mouth soars, head aches, and digestive upset.
A combination of Quercetin, vitamin C, bromelain, along with prominent falconoid such as hesperidin and rutin are recommended. is a type of flavonoid, often manufactures label these as plant pigments that give fruits, flowers, and vegetables their color and bioflavonoids as supplement manufactures call them. It is primarily found in fruits, apples, onions, parsley, tea, and red wine. Quercetin is a potent antioxidant combating free radical molecules. It also helpful in anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy effects, inhibits the release of histamine making it valuable for allergies, hay fever, asthma, sinusitis and inflammation disorders. It also has been known to alleviate bruising, edema, varicose veins, and fragile capillaries, and anti-cancer effects. It is a strong inhibitor of human lens aldose reductase, an enzyme that plays a part in the formation of diabetic cataracts, neuropathy, and retinopathy. site was clear that no toxicity exists taking Quercetin.
Quercetin taken in large doses over a long period with other anti-oxidants such as vitamin C can cause a pro- oxidant effect. The side effect of joint inflammation can occur. When Quercetin is taken on an empty stomach, in large doses, may also experience heart burn, or acid reflux. Eating a meal and taking it half way through is the best treatment.
Vitamin C and Quercetin work well together, taken properly. The usual dose is 200-500 mg. but a large dose of as much as 800 may be suggested. Doses should be taken 2-3 times a day, spreading it out through the day has the best results. Taken 15 minutes before meals or half way through if you experience digestive upset.Drug reactions
In general keep doses low and reasonable. It is not suggested to raise your dose above 1500 mg ( equal to 3separate 500mg doses). Quercetin bromelin is suggested to enhance your supplement. Bromelain is an enzyme
Which helps your system to digest and absorb Quertecin.
Problems can occur, if the medication says it can not be taken with Quercetin. If this is the case these foods to avoid are onions, apples, apple juice, grapefruit, grapefruit juice, orange juice, pomegranate juice, white, green & black teas. These foods have higher concentrations of Quercetin.
Causes of Eczema
Many medications (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and indomethacin work by blocking prostaglandins. These are small protein messengers that circulate through out the body and cause pain and inflammation, but others bring healing and repair. However all NSAIDs block all prostaglandins halting the healing process. This causes a risk of ulcers, damage to mucus membranes of the intestines, bleeding and gastrointestinal inflammation.
Eating less land-animal fat will help normalize inflammatory prostaglandis and decrease the production of the pro-inflammatory prostaglandis. Increasing consumption of fish, nuts, and seeds will bring better health.
Stay with olive oil for salads, and grape seed oil for stir frying. Use only filtered water, and drink rice protein nutrient drinks. Listen to your body and how it reacts to decrease or eliminate foods as needed.
People in general with Eczema have low omega 3 fatty acids. Studies show that conversion from linoleic acid to gamma linoleic acid is often impaired in people with these types of skin conditions. Some of the most effective are Evening Primrose, flax ,or Borage oil and EPA and DHA from fish oil. Evening Primrose oil or borage oil, 2000-3000 mg per day in divided doses is suggested. Fish oil should be taken 1500-4000 mg per day divided in doses. Fungal infections
There needs to be a balance of micro flora in the intestines as this is fundamental in treating Eczema. Probiotics are the intestinal bacteria that keeps things in check. It keeps infections, yeast, parasites, viruses, and fungi from forming. It aids in digestion, synthesizes vitamins, reduces blood ammonia levels, lowers cholesterol, neutralizes carcinogens and stimulates the immune system. Probiotics should be taken at 500 mg two times per day. A high potency, high quality multi vitamin / mineral, supplying optimal levels of nutrients, at least until you have corrected your diet to organic and give reasonable time for your body to make adjustments. Your nutrient goal should be from your diet.Today if you are not eating healthy organic foods, there is a enormous level of chemicals and toxins that contribute to this disease. Years ago disease was not so common and people were treated at home in most cases successfully due to the fact our foods gave us the full nutritional value we needed to produce the bacterial flora to maintain our bodies systems. Today people eat foods with little or no nutrition and suffer from high caloric diets lacking in the important vitamins and minerals to sustain life. Vitamin C should be 2000-3000 mg per day divided up in doses. Sources include broccoli, kale, peppers, guava, cabbage, spinach, lemons, oranges, papayas.
Quercertin is the most effective bioflavonoid for anti-inflammatory disease such as Eczema. Quercetin has also been shown to reduce pain and to protect the cell membranes due to antioxidant activity. Along with Quercertin vitamin C and zinc should be taken.
Zinc is involved as a cofactor with delta 6- desaturase enzyme system which produces Series 1 prostaglandins. Zink can be used orally or topically in zinc oxide ointment and taken together with copper to not cause an imbalance. Zinc should be 30 mg long term to 90 mg short term per day with 2mg of copper. Eat oysters, whole grains, nuts, liver, leafy vegetables.
Herbs such as Turmeric possess anti-inflammatory properties that are comparable to those of cortisone and phenylbutazone. Curcumin, the yellow pigment in turmeric is even more potent especially in acute cases where cortizone and phenylbutazone are associated with toxicity. Curcumin shows no toxicity at all. Curcumin works directly by inhibiting the production and release of leukotrienes and other inflammatory mediators.
Turmeric should be taken at 400 mg three times per day and used liberally as a spice powder.
Burdock root and Milk thistle
Burdock should be taken 1 oz fresh, or 3-9 grams dries in soups, stews, congees, or teas.Liver damage can occur by the action of leukotrienes, therefore milk thistle is an exceptional herb to prevent liver destruction and enhance liver functions. Milk thistle should be 140 mg three times per day.
Ginkgo Biloba
The extract has been shown to be a potent inhibitor of platelet-activating factor, a powerful stimulator of platelet aggregation and degranulation, which releases allergic and inflammatory components. It is also involved in other inflammatory and allergic processes that increase vascular permeability. Ginkgo leaf extracts are among the leading medicines in Germany and France. Ginkgo biloba should be 40 mg three times per day.
Ziziphus jujuba
(Chinese date) is known in traditional Chinese medicine. It contains vitamins A, B2, and C as well as calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Due to it’s high nucleotide content and results in a decreased production of inflammatory prostaglandins. Should be taken as 3-5 pieces, 2-3 times per week.
Astragalus Membranaceus
(milk vetch root) is the primary herb used in Chinese medicine to notify the immune system of the lungs, and the lungs are directly related to the skin. Just like Burdock Root it is one of the herbs that are recommended for weekly or even daily use as it is easily incorporated into soups, stews congees, and teas. Shown to be an immune stimulant, diuretic and antiseptic properties. Astragalus should be taken as 250 mg three times per day or 3-12 grams dried in soups, stews, or tea.and seeds have been use in Chinese and western medicine for many skin diseases. It contributes to liver detoxification pathways, and it further has a diuretic action causing the kidneys to clear the blood of harmful acids. It contains insulin (polysaccaride), iron, calcium, and vitamin C. Therefore it aids in digestion, which is important to keeping things in balance as discussed. It is also a lymphatic cleanser which is essential to inflammatory conditions. Burdock root just like Astragalus is one of the herbs that are recommended for weekly or even daily use.are a common cause of Eczema. Candida infection is common.
Often a person must under go a yeast self testing, blood testing, complete stool and digestive analysis to see if yeast is a factor. plays an crucial part in this disease. Supplements and herbs will support diet change to combat this inflammatory disease. Color agents, flavorings, preservatives, emulsifiers, and others all contribute to this disease, including asthma. Therefore the person must eliminate all of these including soaps, household cleaners, shampoos, other toiletries, lotions and even sanitary pads. Sevier cases will include the carpet, upholstery, mattress, gas stoves, and other areas of home and work. Foods must be eliminated for at least 4-6 months to give the body sufficient time to rebalance and reduce inflammation. The program allows all fruit except citrus, (may cause itching) all vegetables except tomatoes, (painful joints) eggplant, potatoes, and peppers and white rice. It will take several months while the digestive system is healing.
Include inadequate nutrient intake, imbalanced intestinal flora, leaky gut, food allergies, and environmental contaminants. Other factors include stress, pets, humidity, dust, mold, wool clothing, cosmetics, sweat, bacterial infections, hormone imbalance, and food allergies to name a few. Foods can include wheat, milk, eggs, tomatoes, fish, chocolate, and cheese for a start. Narrowing these down may be difficult. These food allergies can cause leaky gut syndrome, due to damage to the intestinal lining.
As with any supplement, Quercetin should be taken with care if on other medications. Since Quercetin enhances vitamin C, or other citrus bioflavonoid it is best to err with caution. Some have reported mouth soars, head aches, and digestive upset.
A combination of Quercetin, vitamin C, bromelain, along with prominent falconoid such as hesperidin and rutin are recommended. is a type of flavonoid, often manufactures label these as plant pigments that give fruits, flowers, and vegetables their color and bioflavonoids as supplement manufactures call them. It is primarily found in fruits, apples, onions, parsley, tea, and red wine. Quercetin is a potent antioxidant combating free radical molecules. It also helpful in anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy effects, inhibits the release of histamine making it valuable for allergies, hay fever, asthma, sinusitis and inflammation disorders. It also has been known to alleviate bruising, edema, varicose veins, and fragile capillaries, and anti-cancer effects. It is a strong inhibitor of human lens aldose reductase, an enzyme that plays a part in the formation of diabetic cataracts, neuropathy, and retinopathy. site was clear that no toxicity exists taking Quercetin.
Quercetin taken in large doses over a long period with other anti-oxidants such as vitamin C can cause a pro- oxidant effect. The side effect of joint inflammation can occur. When Quercetin is taken on an empty stomach, in large doses, may also experience heart burn, or acid reflux. Eating a meal and taking it half way through is the best treatment.
Vitamin C and Quercetin work well together, taken properly. The usual dose is 200-500 mg. but a large dose of as much as 800 may be suggested. Doses should be taken 2-3 times a day, spreading it out through the day has the best results. Taken 15 minutes before meals or half way through if you experience digestive upset.Drug reactions
In general keep doses low and reasonable. It is not suggested to raise your dose above 1500 mg ( equal to 3separate 500mg doses). Quercetin bromelin is suggested to enhance your supplement. Bromelain is an enzyme
Which helps your system to digest and absorb Quertecin.
Problems can occur, if the medication says it can not be taken with Quercetin. If this is the case these foods to avoid are onions, apples, apple juice, grapefruit, grapefruit juice, orange juice, pomegranate juice, white, green & black teas. These foods have higher concentrations of Quercetin.
Causes of Eczema
Many medications (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and indomethacin work by blocking prostaglandins. These are small protein messengers that circulate through out the body and cause pain and inflammation, but others bring healing and repair. However all NSAIDs block all prostaglandins halting the healing process. This causes a risk of ulcers, damage to mucus membranes of the intestines, bleeding and gastrointestinal inflammation.
Eating less land-animal fat will help normalize inflammatory prostaglandis and decrease the production of the pro-inflammatory prostaglandis. Increasing consumption of fish, nuts, and seeds will bring better health.
Stay with olive oil for salads, and grape seed oil for stir frying. Use only filtered water, and drink rice protein nutrient drinks. Listen to your body and how it reacts to decrease or eliminate foods as needed.
People in general with Eczema have low omega 3 fatty acids. Studies show that conversion from linoleic acid to gamma linoleic acid is often impaired in people with these types of skin conditions. Some of the most effective are Evening Primrose, flax ,or Borage oil and EPA and DHA from fish oil. Evening Primrose oil or borage oil, 2000-3000 mg per day in divided doses is suggested. Fish oil should be taken 1500-4000 mg per day divided in doses. Fungal infections
There needs to be a balance of micro flora in the intestines as this is fundamental in treating Eczema. Probiotics are the intestinal bacteria that keeps things in check. It keeps infections, yeast, parasites, viruses, and fungi from forming. It aids in digestion, synthesizes vitamins, reduces blood ammonia levels, lowers cholesterol, neutralizes carcinogens and stimulates the immune system. Probiotics should be taken at 500 mg two times per day. A high potency, high quality multi vitamin / mineral, supplying optimal levels of nutrients, at least until you have corrected your diet to organic and give reasonable time for your body to make adjustments. Your nutrient goal should be from your diet.Today if you are not eating healthy organic foods, there is a enormous level of chemicals and toxins that contribute to this disease. Years ago disease was not so common and people were treated at home in most cases successfully due to the fact our foods gave us the full nutritional value we needed to produce the bacterial flora to maintain our bodies systems. Today people eat foods with little or no nutrition and suffer from high caloric diets lacking in the important vitamins and minerals to sustain life. Vitamin C should be 2000-3000 mg per day divided up in doses. Sources include broccoli, kale, peppers, guava, cabbage, spinach, lemons, oranges, papayas.
Quercertin is the most effective bioflavonoid for anti-inflammatory disease such as Eczema. Quercetin has also been shown to reduce pain and to protect the cell membranes due to antioxidant activity. Along with Quercertin vitamin C and zinc should be taken.
Zinc is involved as a cofactor with delta 6- desaturase enzyme system which produces Series 1 prostaglandins. Zink can be used orally or topically in zinc oxide ointment and taken together with copper to not cause an imbalance. Zinc should be 30 mg long term to 90 mg short term per day with 2mg of copper. Eat oysters, whole grains, nuts, liver, leafy vegetables.
Herbs such as Turmeric possess anti-inflammatory properties that are comparable to those of cortisone and phenylbutazone. Curcumin, the yellow pigment in turmeric is even more potent especially in acute cases where cortizone and phenylbutazone are associated with toxicity. Curcumin shows no toxicity at all. Curcumin works directly by inhibiting the production and release of leukotrienes and other inflammatory mediators.
Turmeric should be taken at 400 mg three times per day and used liberally as a spice powder.
Burdock root and Milk thistle
Burdock should be taken 1 oz fresh, or 3-9 grams dries in soups, stews, congees, or teas.Liver damage can occur by the action of leukotrienes, therefore milk thistle is an exceptional herb to prevent liver destruction and enhance liver functions. Milk thistle should be 140 mg three times per day.
Ginkgo Biloba
The extract has been shown to be a potent inhibitor of platelet-activating factor, a powerful stimulator of platelet aggregation and degranulation, which releases allergic and inflammatory components. It is also involved in other inflammatory and allergic processes that increase vascular permeability. Ginkgo leaf extracts are among the leading medicines in Germany and France. Ginkgo biloba should be 40 mg three times per day.
Ziziphus jujuba
(Chinese date) is known in traditional Chinese medicine. It contains vitamins A, B2, and C as well as calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Due to it’s high nucleotide content and results in a decreased production of inflammatory prostaglandins. Should be taken as 3-5 pieces, 2-3 times per week.
Astragalus Membranaceus
(milk vetch root) is the primary herb used in Chinese medicine to notify the immune system of the lungs, and the lungs are directly related to the skin. Just like Burdock Root it is one of the herbs that are recommended for weekly or even daily use as it is easily incorporated into soups, stews congees, and teas. Shown to be an immune stimulant, diuretic and antiseptic properties. Astragalus should be taken as 250 mg three times per day or 3-12 grams dried in soups, stews, or tea.and seeds have been use in Chinese and western medicine for many skin diseases. It contributes to liver detoxification pathways, and it further has a diuretic action causing the kidneys to clear the blood of harmful acids. It contains insulin (polysaccaride), iron, calcium, and vitamin C. Therefore it aids in digestion, which is important to keeping things in balance as discussed. It is also a lymphatic cleanser which is essential to inflammatory conditions. Burdock root just like Astragalus is one of the herbs that are recommended for weekly or even daily use.are a common cause of Eczema. Candida infection is common.
Often a person must under go a yeast self testing, blood testing, complete stool and digestive analysis to see if yeast is a factor. plays an crucial part in this disease. Supplements and herbs will support diet change to combat this inflammatory disease. Color agents, flavorings, preservatives, emulsifiers, and others all contribute to this disease, including asthma. Therefore the person must eliminate all of these including soaps, household cleaners, shampoos, other toiletries, lotions and even sanitary pads. Sevier cases will include the carpet, upholstery, mattress, gas stoves, and other areas of home and work. Foods must be eliminated for at least 4-6 months to give the body sufficient time to rebalance and reduce inflammation. The program allows all fruit except citrus, (may cause itching) all vegetables except tomatoes, (painful joints) eggplant, potatoes, and peppers and white rice. It will take several months while the digestive system is healing.
Include inadequate nutrient intake, imbalanced intestinal flora, leaky gut, food allergies, and environmental contaminants. Other factors include stress, pets, humidity, dust, mold, wool clothing, cosmetics, sweat, bacterial infections, hormone imbalance, and food allergies to name a few. Foods can include wheat, milk, eggs, tomatoes, fish, chocolate, and cheese for a start. Narrowing these down may be difficult. These food allergies can cause leaky gut syndrome, due to damage to the intestinal lining.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Sugar is some thing that is in foods we do not think about. We use to eat in 1906 19 lbs. per year. The adverage American in 1996 was eating 320 lbs. per year.
1 pound of sugar = 115 tsp of sugar
1 pound of sugar = 11 sodas ( 12 ounces)
1 soda (12 ounces) = 40 grams of sugar =10 tsp of sugar
1 soda (20 ounces) = 69 grams of sugar =17.25 tsp of sugar
1 soda (2 liters) = 67 ounces of soda = 221 grams of sugar =55.25 tsp of sugar
Soda is death in a can.
1. the water used is tap water and may contain impure foreign material.
2. carbon dioxide is acidic
our bodies need to be alkaline to ward off cancer and other health issues.
3. on can of soda can have 10-13 tsp of sugar per can
4. aluminum cans even with plastic liners can leach into the product as soda is very carosive.
plastic liners leach bisphenol A (ppb)
This is just in soda never mind the other things like potato chips ( yup sugar in chips) and other things .
We are a fat nation for a reason. Sugar is in nearly everything we eat even if it does not need to be.
here are some facts:
Our bodies have 5 liters of blood which 92% is water.
We have what equals 1 tsp of sugar in our bodies
to stay metabolically active when fasting. ( sleeping over night, etc.)
It only takes the body 1 1/4 tsp of sugar to be in the blood for it to kick into diabetic mode.
Sugars are from many forms as our bodies convert what we eat into sugars to obtain energy.
Our bodies make the conversion naturally unless over loaded with unnecessary sugars.
We then become diabetic later in life as our bodies have had enough. Juvenile diabetes is greater today than it has ever been.
Too much sugar effects all parts of the body including brain function. That brain fog may be your donut or sugared coffee. Get the facts, do the research and you will be surprised at what your eating per day. Read those labels.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Be a super hero
Packed with vitamin C and ANTIOXIDANTS for your cells
Add them to your favorite cereal, smoothie or eat as a snack
Today for our nutrition class we had to make an advertisement of a fruit or vegetable. I am not fond of advertisements and do not like to stretch the truth so this is what I have come up. The idea would be to place it in a parent magazine where the picture of the child could resonate with a mother and her choices for her young child.
A lot can be said of the blueberry and all it has to offer. Vitamin c, antioxidants, the fruit that has the most impact directly to our cells, low in calories, bursting with flavor, and flavornoids. One of the most powerful antioxidants found in blueberries are the anthocyanidins. The blue-red flavornoid pigment have been shown to improve integrity of the veins and entire vascular system. Besides preventing free radicals, they support the stability of the collagen matrix. Collagen can cause cataracts, glaucoma, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, peptic ulcers, heart disease, and cancer. Blueberries promote brain health by protecting from oxidative stress and may help some reduce the conditions such as dementia.
However advertisements are quick to the point and usually have a catch phrase or special audience and lack of time and space must read quickly or the reader leaves the subject and dismisses it.
To know more about this super fruit read The Worlds Healthiest Foods by George Mateljan
Packed with vitamin C and ANTIOXIDANTS for your cells
Add them to your favorite cereal, smoothie or eat as a snack
Today for our nutrition class we had to make an advertisement of a fruit or vegetable. I am not fond of advertisements and do not like to stretch the truth so this is what I have come up. The idea would be to place it in a parent magazine where the picture of the child could resonate with a mother and her choices for her young child.
A lot can be said of the blueberry and all it has to offer. Vitamin c, antioxidants, the fruit that has the most impact directly to our cells, low in calories, bursting with flavor, and flavornoids. One of the most powerful antioxidants found in blueberries are the anthocyanidins. The blue-red flavornoid pigment have been shown to improve integrity of the veins and entire vascular system. Besides preventing free radicals, they support the stability of the collagen matrix. Collagen can cause cataracts, glaucoma, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, peptic ulcers, heart disease, and cancer. Blueberries promote brain health by protecting from oxidative stress and may help some reduce the conditions such as dementia.
However advertisements are quick to the point and usually have a catch phrase or special audience and lack of time and space must read quickly or the reader leaves the subject and dismisses it.
To know more about this super fruit read The Worlds Healthiest Foods by George Mateljan
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Interesting Facts about Fiber
Well it is time to talk about Fiber. We hear alot about it and most thoughts come to us as Bran cereal or some brown unflavorable product of our childhood. That is so far from the truth. Fiber items can be delicious and you are most likely eating it already, you just need to increase your amounts to meet optimal health.
Fiber is in two forms, soluable and insoluable. Soluable fiber is what most of us think of with the word fiber found in oat brans and barley for example. These reduce cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels. Your liver produces bile acids and cholesterol. Soluable fiber reduces this cholesterol naturally, therefore the liver must use your additional cholesterol to manufacture new bile. It is a win win situation by nature. Soluable fiber reduces blood sugar by slowing the rate in which the stomach releases the food. Therefore your levels stay more even and you feel full longer and then do not over eat. This enhances insulin sensitivity. It keeps your blood sugar level by delaying the absoption of glucose following the meal. The only side effects to increased fiber is through lack of chewing propperly.
Insoluable fiber is known as friendly bacteria that line the large intestines. This fiber can ferment and in the colon can produce a short chain fatty acid called butytic acid and is the primary fuel for the large intestines. This prevents colon cancer, hermorhoids, obesity, constipation, and elevated cholesterol to name a few. They also play an important role in the immune system preventing pathogenic bacteria that causes disease.
Fibers that are not fermentable increase the transit time in the bowels promoting regularity and therefore preventing disease such as colon cancer. I resently had a colonoscopy and had only one pollop that was not malignat. I was told one in five have pollops and they always turn cancerous. We all hold the ability to produce cancerous cells. It is a matter to what will trigger this mutation so why not do all we can to prevent it when some things are so simple? My Dr. simply said to increase fiber in my diet. Would not be great if everything was so simple?
There are at least 25 items I could name to increase your fiber, here are a few:
rasberries cauliflower collard greens broccoli spinich celery cabbage grapefruit cranberries strwberries bell pepper dried peas winter squash lentils brussels sprouts carrots eggplant
So enjoy your meals by adding some of these and others you find. God health to you!
Fiber is in two forms, soluable and insoluable. Soluable fiber is what most of us think of with the word fiber found in oat brans and barley for example. These reduce cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels. Your liver produces bile acids and cholesterol. Soluable fiber reduces this cholesterol naturally, therefore the liver must use your additional cholesterol to manufacture new bile. It is a win win situation by nature. Soluable fiber reduces blood sugar by slowing the rate in which the stomach releases the food. Therefore your levels stay more even and you feel full longer and then do not over eat. This enhances insulin sensitivity. It keeps your blood sugar level by delaying the absoption of glucose following the meal. The only side effects to increased fiber is through lack of chewing propperly.
Insoluable fiber is known as friendly bacteria that line the large intestines. This fiber can ferment and in the colon can produce a short chain fatty acid called butytic acid and is the primary fuel for the large intestines. This prevents colon cancer, hermorhoids, obesity, constipation, and elevated cholesterol to name a few. They also play an important role in the immune system preventing pathogenic bacteria that causes disease.
Fibers that are not fermentable increase the transit time in the bowels promoting regularity and therefore preventing disease such as colon cancer. I resently had a colonoscopy and had only one pollop that was not malignat. I was told one in five have pollops and they always turn cancerous. We all hold the ability to produce cancerous cells. It is a matter to what will trigger this mutation so why not do all we can to prevent it when some things are so simple? My Dr. simply said to increase fiber in my diet. Would not be great if everything was so simple?
There are at least 25 items I could name to increase your fiber, here are a few:
rasberries cauliflower collard greens broccoli spinich celery cabbage grapefruit cranberries strwberries bell pepper dried peas winter squash lentils brussels sprouts carrots eggplant
So enjoy your meals by adding some of these and others you find. God health to you!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
papers I wrote on Phytic acid and hormones
- There have been some issues with the blogger. I hope this is complete.
- I have corrected this several times.
- (known as
- Healthiest Way of Eating by George Mateljan
- PHYTIC Acid and soaking
- There are several reasons for soaking beans and legumes before cooking. Legumes in general contain a toxic substance which leaches into the water and therefore can be thrown away. One type of carbohydrates called oligosaccharides leaches into the soaking water in great amounts and this increases the digestibility as these sugar molecules that are resistant to digestion. Prolonged cooking denatures the proteins in beans and therefore you would want to lessen the cooking time, soaking allows this. Probiotic lactobacilli and other digestive mircoflora are an important source of the enzyme phytase. This is what gives us a healthy digestive tract so nutrients may be obsorbed. If you are not a dairy eater you would do well to use other foods to increase micrflora in the intestine.
- Phytic acid
- Phytic acid inositol hexaphosphate (IP6) , or phytate ( when in salt form) is the principal storage form of phosphorus in many plant tissues, especially bran and seeds.[
- Phytic acid has a strong binding to calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. When phytic acid binds with these they become insoluble and are not absorbed into the intestines. This can cause deficiencies. People with low stomach acid such as the elderly have iron and calcium deficiencies. Physic acid and iron absorption may not be a real problem as most people do not rely on beans as their main source of iron intake.
- Asorbic Acid ( vitamin C) can reduce phytic acid effect on iron.
- Phytic acid works as an antioxidant in plants and is at it’s highest when sprouting to protect the plant.
- It is interesting that most non ruminant livestock are fed soybeans, corn, and grains that become unavailable for absorption due to phytate from these grains, passing through the digestive tract and cause phosphorus excretion, an environmental hazard. ( more on this another time) Phytic acid is found within the hulls of nuts and seeds as well.
- Having mineral binding properties may also prevent colon cancer by reducing oxidative stress.
- Oxidative stress:
- cell impairment from too much oxygen:
- impaired performance of cells caused by the presence of too many oxygen molecules in them Over all it would be most beneficial to soak legumes and beans for better nutrient absorption.
- Jeanne Nabozny wk 5 nutrition DQ1 Hormones in food
- Hormones added to our meat resources causes rapid growth and faster supply to the market demand. At what cost to the animals and human life is there? Hormone residue in meats disrupts hormone imbalance, developmental problems, interferes reproductive system, and leads to breast, prostrate and colon cancer. It causes animal to be unhealthy, often sickly, and unable as in chickens to even hold up their own body weight causing them to sit in their own excrement due to lack of natural exercise.
- I am over fifty years old. Even I remember that as a near teen, the article in our local paper discussing the breast formation and menstrual cycles occurring in four year old girls due to hormones in meats. Naturally there was a disruption in boys as well but it was not so physically outwardly visible to the public as large breasts on young girls.
- Knowing this has not stopped the hormone distribution through out the meat industry any more than any other industry selling products that openly cause cancer, and other abnormalities. 80% of feed lot cattle receive hormone growth injections.
- These hormones pass through the animals and end up in the manure they leave behind then distributed to the soil and end up in our water supplies from ground run off.
- The European union
- does not allow the use of hormones in cattle production, has prohibited the import of hormone treated beef, since 1988. It has banned all beef imports from the U.S. and Canada, and the debate still rages today between Europe and the U.S. by the world Trade Organization.
- RBGH also known as rBST
- is a genetically engineered growth hormone injected into dairy cows . 1994 found a N.Y. farmer having severe problems with his cows health after injecting them with this hormone. One year later he had to replace 135 of his 200 cows due to illness. Similar farmers complained of internal bleeding, open soars, hoof disease, and death. 1991 Vermont reported deformed calves, painful bacterial infections, causing the increase of antibiotics in dairy animals.
- So how can we produce enough product to satisfy the American appetite and not use hormones?
- Considering the carbon foot print is lowered, the cattle are healthier, the meat contains 60% more omega3 fatty acids, is higher in vitamin E, higher in CLR (conjugated Linoleic Acid) and is healthier over all to the consumer. CLR causes a reduction in cancer, heart disease, and onset diabetes. It would only make sense.
- Grass fed cattle lead a stress free life by doing what is natural. As a farmer look for breeds that thrive on grass, feed grass and legumes. If absolutely necessary give antibiotics only when very ill, rotate your pasture, and provide your own hay. Provide two acres per head of cattle, keep them in one area at a time for the grass to replenish it’s self and provide plenty of water. Provide a good hay ring to hold your baled hay during winter months to prevent the hay from being strewn about and trampled on. Not feeding grain is very cost effective according to grass fed beef growers.
- For every one thousand head of cattle you would need two thousand acres. This is the desirable acreage even for non grass fed cattle to pasture naturally. This should not be a problem in this country as the government still owns open grass lands for ranchers in the west for this purpose. We need to utilize this country for the good of man kind and not for selfish profits. This country was built on the backs of grass fed beef, and allowing the small homesteads to provide for their own families in rural and suburbia well planned communities will allow the individual to provide for themselves, releasing the burden of the cattle market.
- This country was once filled with farms and producers of healthy marketed foods. The small farmer needs to return and with enough smaller farmers our communities can relay on our local markets (baring they too do not get greedy) thus bringing the social net work back into perspective, your local butcher. I raised organically years ago, two cattle on two acres and this provide more than enough beef when we had 5 children still at home. Naturally then we raised a pig and had our own chickens for eggs. The protein balance was natural. Although we prefer not to eat pork now.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
organic shopping
Today I went and bought two jam packed boxes of organic foods. The new love of my life, Millers Natural Foods store, does not use bags plastic or otherwise. So now I must remember all those cloth bags I purchased for this purpose. As it is an Amish store, the sign on the door as you go in says, " no electric lighting used in this store".
What ever I can not eat fast enough I will blanch and freeze. I have not been this excited about shopping for a long time.
I bought unsalted cashews, brown rice, millett, quinoa, and rasisns. I did buy some whole white milk, and a bottle of chocolate milk all also organic. As I am not a big milk drinker, I bought a half gallon and could possibly split and freeze half. I know some time in this class we will learn the negatives of dairy but for now I will enjoy the organic part and leave it at that.
I bought three kinds of squash, carotts, asparagus, beets with the greens, kale, celery, white cap mushrooms, parsnip, romaine lettice, green pepper, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, apples and had received three free eggplant form a neighbor. yum we will be eating good! Add this to the dried beans and fresh caught fish and we will be well rounded.
We already enjoyed these foods so our diets will only be healthier due to no chemicals or GMO's.
The only new food is the quina. I hear it very nutritious and great for breakfast. It will give a change from oatmeal, eggs, organic wheat-a-bix, etc.
Now what's for dinner?
organic grill and wine bar
I have discovered a great place to eat. I have decided from all we are learning to try and eat all organic when ever possible. My friend Ada wanted to take me to lunch and when I explained my position, she knew of a great place. It was worth the drive. It is HARVEST Seasonal Grill & Wine Bar.
They are supplied by organic local, sustainable, seasonally changing, and farm to table suppliers.
The great thing about this place is the waiter was so attentive and informative. He explained everything, and even told us that at the hiring you have to watch the movie Food Inc. and follow their way of thinking or your will not be hired. They do not own a microwave.
The food was some of the tastiest I have had in a long time. I chose the grass fed beef as I wanted to compare it to traditional meat I usually eat. It was a little dryer as I had read grass fed beef is, but much less fat, and the taste was amazing. Texture was harty, and I felt right away I had bit into something substantial. The portions were reasonable and more than enough. They were not these huge over necessary portions that people think they need. They were not mini portions you eat on a cracker either. It was interesting that the food was so nutritious that we brought half of it home as we were full half way through. There was no need for us to eat more than we needed, as we were not continually hungry. The food sustained us and I felt no reason to eat snack in the evening as I usually do. Most items were under 500 calories.
My friend was surprised that she felt no desire to continue eating and her body knew when to stop. She usually found at eating out she was hungry the entire meal and walked away still feeling she was not satisfied. This simply was not the case for either of us this time. She was starting an eating program to lose weight for health reasons and through this experience she discovered that eating organic obviously was the way. She not only would have great nutrition, eat food that tasted like real food, but would eat smaller portions due to being satisfied.
The owner is DAVE MAGROGAN and the manager is DAVID STEIGER. I hope you will visit his restaurant.
seasonal Grill & Wine Bar
549 Wilmington West Chester Pike
Glen Mills, Pa. 19342
610 358-1005
Thursday, October 7, 2010
B vitamin info
importance of B vitamins
You need B6, B12, methioine, folic acid, s-adenosyl methionine
A key constituent of glutathione. Glutathione formed from cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine, is found in all human tissue with the highest concentration found in the liver and eyes. Cystine breaks down heavy metals, protects from free radicals, detox chemicals, and protect from free radicals.
Eat: chicken, turkey, yogurt, eggs, red bell peppers, oats, garlic, onion, broccoli, brussel sprouts, wheat ( germ).
believed to prevent infections
It is an amino acid synthesized by the body from another amino acid called glutamic acid or glutamine. A form of vitamin B3 and B6 is required. It is a fuel source for cells lining the small intestine. It is the most abundant amino acid in the blood and mussel tissue.
Eat: cabbage, beets, beef, chicken, fish, beans, dairy
(vitamin B3) required for genetic production
Niacin plays a critical role in the chemical process of fats in the body. Niacin can be made from the amino acid tryptophan. Inadequate intake of many nutrients including protein, iron, vitamins B1, B2, B6, and c inhibits this conversion. Components of DNA require niacin for production. The foods that contain niacin also contain B12, and a deficiency of B12 can lead to increased excretion of niacin.
There are at least 25 foods that you can eat to obtain niacin. Here are a few.
Eat: crimini mushrooms, tuna, chicken, summer squash, green peas, carrotts, spinach, grass fed beef, raspberries, kale.
an amino acid that assists in the process of niacin
Promotes mood balance in the production of serotonin, helps in insomnia by producing melatonin for sleep, diabetes can reduce tryptophan.
The body can not manufacture this and must be gotten from our diets. It works with many other nutrients necessary for it’s metabolism, including vitamin B6, c, folic acid, and magnesium.
There are at least 25 foods. Eat: Tuna, scallops, calf’s liver, soybeans, mustard seeds, eggs, swiss chard. needed to synthesize the proteins promotes antioxidant activity
You need B6, B12, methioine, folic acid, s-adenosyl methionine
A key constituent of glutathione. Glutathione formed from cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine, is found in all human tissue with the highest concentration found in the liver and eyes. Cystine breaks down heavy metals, protects from free radicals, detox chemicals, and protect from free radicals.
Eat: chicken, turkey, yogurt, eggs, red bell peppers, oats, garlic, onion, broccoli, brussel sprouts, wheat ( germ).
believed to prevent infections
It is an amino acid synthesized by the body from another amino acid called glutamic acid or glutamine. A form of vitamin B3 and B6 is required. It is a fuel source for cells lining the small intestine. It is the most abundant amino acid in the blood and mussel tissue.
Eat: cabbage, beets, beef, chicken, fish, beans, dairy
(vitamin B3) required for genetic production
Niacin plays a critical role in the chemical process of fats in the body. Niacin can be made from the amino acid tryptophan. Inadequate intake of many nutrients including protein, iron, vitamins B1, B2, B6, and c inhibits this conversion. Components of DNA require niacin for production. The foods that contain niacin also contain B12, and a deficiency of B12 can lead to increased excretion of niacin.
There are at least 25 foods that you can eat to obtain niacin. Here are a few.
Eat: crimini mushrooms, tuna, chicken, summer squash, green peas, carrotts, spinach, grass fed beef, raspberries, kale.
an amino acid that assists in the process of niacin
Promotes mood balance in the production of serotonin, helps in insomnia by producing melatonin for sleep, diabetes can reduce tryptophan.
The body can not manufacture this and must be gotten from our diets. It works with many other nutrients necessary for it’s metabolism, including vitamin B6, c, folic acid, and magnesium.
There are at least 25 foods. Eat: Tuna, scallops, calf’s liver, soybeans, mustard seeds, eggs, swiss chard. needed to synthesize the proteins promotes antioxidant activity
the importance of B vitamins
Here is some information we are discussing this week in our nutrition class. We all know we need vitamins and frankly the supplements can be a waste as digesting them is not the same as getting them naturally. Here is some information to help us all understand only some of the importance of B vitamins.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
compare your pantry
In 1956 shopping was primarily a woman's duty. She was expected to know her kitchen and it's function as well as any professional. Here for comparison is a shopping list for the new home, as I am studying nutrition at SWIHA lets compare our pantry to the average 50's house wife. Now class mates, you are changing your diets for the better, compare your new diet to this vintage list. Have fun.
Reference from: my50' she also does ( check her out.
Reference from: my50' she also does ( check her out.
Friday, October 1, 2010
winter vegetable
Each week we are to chose a new organic item we have not tried before. Naturally if I run out of local ideas I can consider other organic packaged items.
This week I chose a parsnip. I just was not raised up eating them and they never really felt that interesting to me. I have to tell you they are very good. I boiled it with cabbage, carrott, onion and potato. it had a bite like a radish and texture like turnip. I will deffinately experiment again with this new chosen root vegetable. Remember to peel it first.
This week I chose a parsnip. I just was not raised up eating them and they never really felt that interesting to me. I have to tell you they are very good. I boiled it with cabbage, carrott, onion and potato. it had a bite like a radish and texture like turnip. I will deffinately experiment again with this new chosen root vegetable. Remember to peel it first.
Monday, September 27, 2010
consumer beware!
My Herbs
This weeks lessons on nutrition is already blowing me away! We have been asked to view two movie/videos for this week., and
The first movie I had seen before, and must say I was shocked and appalled that people would be so greedy and stupid to jeopardise this planet in such a way for all of man kind. The second made me feel helpless and I cried half way through realising the future impact on our world.
You owe it to yourself, family and friends to view both . I will never look at my food pantry the same again. Especially that this information tells you that you do not have to have it this way. We have a right to know what is in our foods and how it is handled. No one has the right morally to make such critical decisions about your body. Did you know that GMO foods effect antibiotics? I have not had any in the last few years but I have taken medicine and it effects all pharmaceuticals. If you have a child for instance that needs antibiotics for respritory infections, asthma, or other areas, these antibiotics may not be available or work due to modifications that enter products that currently are used to produce your medicine? This is because the products grown that have been modified, have a antibiotic resistance strain so it does not interfere with the chemical engineering of the seed.
Remember that old saying what goes around comes around? Well it has. Salmon that is modified, will NOT be labeled as such because the government thinks it will only confuse the consumer. That's right folks they have decided that we are too stupid to understand what we are eating. See and
Here is another kick in the head. There are only 4 seed companies controlling the entire market.
There are only 4 major companies that control the beef market. The projected view of retail in the next 10 years is that only 6 retailers will control the market and only one of them is in America and it is Walmart. We will not have the choices to our food supply and they will be making all the choices for us.
Europe has banned GMO's in products. Round up co. is the Monsanto co. that developed canola seed modification. They have sued several farmers for cross pollination in farmers fields saying the farmers have stolen their seed patten. Apparently we are now responsible for the control of bees, birds, wind, and natural pollination methods. If you as a gardener, are found to have and gmo modification linked to their patten, you too are liabel for law suite as you will be considered thief.
I think the last straw is that seed produced today is being modified to be terminator seed. It produces seed that grows a plant we eat, then in return produces a seed that dies and does not produce. There are 15 pattens of these seeds today. This is so farmers can not save their own seed but are forced to buy from the seed market. 1.4 billion farmers depend on saving their own seed.
Are you now as angry as I am? Think, if the seeds can not reproduce, how long will it be before we have no food. We are just one major disaster away from the original seeds being destroyed that was used to grow the crop the seed was taken from and modified. I do not want to be geneticlly modified nor do I want to eat foods I have no idea what is in them.
Pre world war one our food was organic and clean. No one here on this planet is not effected by how our food comes to us. Please, please take the time to think organic. I personally will be changing my food habits as quickly as I am able.
This weeks lessons on nutrition is already blowing me away! We have been asked to view two movie/videos for this week., and
The first movie I had seen before, and must say I was shocked and appalled that people would be so greedy and stupid to jeopardise this planet in such a way for all of man kind. The second made me feel helpless and I cried half way through realising the future impact on our world.
You owe it to yourself, family and friends to view both . I will never look at my food pantry the same again. Especially that this information tells you that you do not have to have it this way. We have a right to know what is in our foods and how it is handled. No one has the right morally to make such critical decisions about your body. Did you know that GMO foods effect antibiotics? I have not had any in the last few years but I have taken medicine and it effects all pharmaceuticals. If you have a child for instance that needs antibiotics for respritory infections, asthma, or other areas, these antibiotics may not be available or work due to modifications that enter products that currently are used to produce your medicine? This is because the products grown that have been modified, have a antibiotic resistance strain so it does not interfere with the chemical engineering of the seed.
Remember that old saying what goes around comes around? Well it has. Salmon that is modified, will NOT be labeled as such because the government thinks it will only confuse the consumer. That's right folks they have decided that we are too stupid to understand what we are eating. See and
Here is another kick in the head. There are only 4 seed companies controlling the entire market.
There are only 4 major companies that control the beef market. The projected view of retail in the next 10 years is that only 6 retailers will control the market and only one of them is in America and it is Walmart. We will not have the choices to our food supply and they will be making all the choices for us.
Europe has banned GMO's in products. Round up co. is the Monsanto co. that developed canola seed modification. They have sued several farmers for cross pollination in farmers fields saying the farmers have stolen their seed patten. Apparently we are now responsible for the control of bees, birds, wind, and natural pollination methods. If you as a gardener, are found to have and gmo modification linked to their patten, you too are liabel for law suite as you will be considered thief.
I think the last straw is that seed produced today is being modified to be terminator seed. It produces seed that grows a plant we eat, then in return produces a seed that dies and does not produce. There are 15 pattens of these seeds today. This is so farmers can not save their own seed but are forced to buy from the seed market. 1.4 billion farmers depend on saving their own seed.
Are you now as angry as I am? Think, if the seeds can not reproduce, how long will it be before we have no food. We are just one major disaster away from the original seeds being destroyed that was used to grow the crop the seed was taken from and modified. I do not want to be geneticlly modified nor do I want to eat foods I have no idea what is in them.
Pre world war one our food was organic and clean. No one here on this planet is not effected by how our food comes to us. Please, please take the time to think organic. I personally will be changing my food habits as quickly as I am able.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
new foods and oils
This week we have learned so many things but I feel the need to cover what I have learned about cooking with oils. We take it for granted the oils are a part of our kitchen when really kitchens did not have these varieties available only a few years ago. Fire cooking , roasting and baking was the way. Prolonged high heat cooking is not the way to go if you want to keep the nutrients in your foods and cancer at bay.
-safflower and sunflower oils, smoke at a failry low heat. Aprox 225degrees F (107 C)
when refind they increase the smoke point by 100-125 degrees.
-canola however when refined can raise the level as much as 400 degrees.
-extra virgin olive oil can range from 200-405 depending on the refinement level and original condition of the oil.
-avocado oil has one of the highest smoke points of 520 degrees.
Heating oils not only loses nutrients but causes free radicals causing oxidative reactions.
manufactures call them peroxide value or PV. Also polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs in the oils can increase illness risks such as cancer.
Because of these reasons it is best to use extra virgin olive oil. The best thing to do is buy organic, unrefind, cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil. At 200-250 degrees this range limit causes the least amount of damage. It is best to use for sauces and not for baking or higher temperatures.
Remember the oxidation reactions occur well before the smoke point.
So what is a girl to do if she wants that fried chicken? I suggest baking methods with out oils. You can get a nice crispy chicken with out the frying. Naturally we will talk about these health issues later like dark over white meats and skin vs no skin. That is for another day.
Lets talk about what you are cooking on. yes , we all remember grandma's aluminum cook ware. Even back then I remember being told not to leave foods in the pot it will pit the aluminum. That is because it leaches into our foods. Although most people can process these small levels of aluminum, those with fragil health or delicate immune systems should never use aluminum cook ware. Yes, sadly I have some of that vintage cook ware although I have not used it for years, now it will decorate my vintage kitchen. Teflon and non stick ware is in every kitchen except mine. I never liked the effect of peeling blackness into my foods. It most often does wear off and is a likely carcinogen. Tefflon can basicly be reguarded as plastic. This make a problem what the chemist call PTFE and PFOA , toxic particals and fumes begin to release from tefflon-coated pans on stovetop at 464 degrees. see
Stainless steel is the way to go or cast iron. I personally live out of cast iron and my basic cooking is done from a dutch oven, sauce pan, and fry pan that I never fry in. Unless you have an issue with too much iron in your body this is an excellant way to go. The amount of oil use to season these pans is so small, and the formation of free radicals is normal. It is what helps life go on. It is only when they play havic with blood vessel walls and can start to damage a blood vessel or too many free radicals in the wrong place can cause a problem. Balance is the key.
A quick word on microwaves. Remember to never use plastic and that it has the inability to kill Ecoli or salmonella and streptococcus bacteria. I use mine mostly to heat water, some times melt butter or other quick convient task. I do not cook in my microwave.
A quick note on grilling. There are documented health risks to char-broiling and gas grilling. There is a formation of heterocyclic amines, HCA's. most are documented carcinogens so keeping their levels to a minimum to avoid cancer is important. Under 325 degrees the formations of HCA's are low. High temperatures they increase as much as 700-1000%. This is enough reason to stay low.
-safflower and sunflower oils, smoke at a failry low heat. Aprox 225degrees F (107 C)
when refind they increase the smoke point by 100-125 degrees.
-canola however when refined can raise the level as much as 400 degrees.
-extra virgin olive oil can range from 200-405 depending on the refinement level and original condition of the oil.
-avocado oil has one of the highest smoke points of 520 degrees.
Heating oils not only loses nutrients but causes free radicals causing oxidative reactions.
manufactures call them peroxide value or PV. Also polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs in the oils can increase illness risks such as cancer.
Because of these reasons it is best to use extra virgin olive oil. The best thing to do is buy organic, unrefind, cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil. At 200-250 degrees this range limit causes the least amount of damage. It is best to use for sauces and not for baking or higher temperatures.
Remember the oxidation reactions occur well before the smoke point.
So what is a girl to do if she wants that fried chicken? I suggest baking methods with out oils. You can get a nice crispy chicken with out the frying. Naturally we will talk about these health issues later like dark over white meats and skin vs no skin. That is for another day.
Lets talk about what you are cooking on. yes , we all remember grandma's aluminum cook ware. Even back then I remember being told not to leave foods in the pot it will pit the aluminum. That is because it leaches into our foods. Although most people can process these small levels of aluminum, those with fragil health or delicate immune systems should never use aluminum cook ware. Yes, sadly I have some of that vintage cook ware although I have not used it for years, now it will decorate my vintage kitchen. Teflon and non stick ware is in every kitchen except mine. I never liked the effect of peeling blackness into my foods. It most often does wear off and is a likely carcinogen. Tefflon can basicly be reguarded as plastic. This make a problem what the chemist call PTFE and PFOA , toxic particals and fumes begin to release from tefflon-coated pans on stovetop at 464 degrees. see
Stainless steel is the way to go or cast iron. I personally live out of cast iron and my basic cooking is done from a dutch oven, sauce pan, and fry pan that I never fry in. Unless you have an issue with too much iron in your body this is an excellant way to go. The amount of oil use to season these pans is so small, and the formation of free radicals is normal. It is what helps life go on. It is only when they play havic with blood vessel walls and can start to damage a blood vessel or too many free radicals in the wrong place can cause a problem. Balance is the key.
A quick word on microwaves. Remember to never use plastic and that it has the inability to kill Ecoli or salmonella and streptococcus bacteria. I use mine mostly to heat water, some times melt butter or other quick convient task. I do not cook in my microwave.
A quick note on grilling. There are documented health risks to char-broiling and gas grilling. There is a formation of heterocyclic amines, HCA's. most are documented carcinogens so keeping their levels to a minimum to avoid cancer is important. Under 325 degrees the formations of HCA's are low. High temperatures they increase as much as 700-1000%. This is enough reason to stay low.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Learning nutrition wellness
This is just as true today, plant what you can for better health! I have taken a picture of my food storage area to get a good look at the before and after experiment of how my foods change during this holistic approach to nutrition. However I am having trouble importing it here. It will be an interesting journey. I hope in my weekly blogging I can bring a little history and fun to this nutrition page. For those of you who come across this blog and are not in the class offered at SOUTH WEST INSTITUTE OF HEALING ARTS feel free to check out the site. Organic food has been a back and forth issue for me. I truly want to eat organic however the cost vs. having enough food for the week sometimes causes an issue. Although I do not have children at home now, eating for two of us can be equally a challenge when you live with someone who loves junk food. I was very good about all this early on in my marriage 29 years ago, but over the years have bounced back and forth. The question is why? I think it is plain to see convinces. As most of us create our lives they have sped up and spun out of control to the point the we have cheated ourselves in thinking fast convenient foods are just as good. After all we don’t eat them all the time. Or do we and don’t think about it? We are using the book the world’s healthiest foods by George Mateljan ISBN 09-76918544-53995. The 1st week so far I have learned a lot about our cells, their make up and how food effects us. We truly owe it to ourselves to feed these living little cells that make up our bodies. For example, one med. Apple equals 1500 mg of vitamin c and our daily requirement is only 60 mg. So why not eat the apple that is more fun than swallowing a pill? Did you know that it takes 2 ½ - 5 slices of bread to equal 1 slice of whole grain bread? Not to mention nearly 320 calories more in eating the white bread! This is where we trick ourselves in thinking well it is just one piece how bad can it be? Obviously very bad. Did you know almond are very good for your heart and lower your LDL cholesterol levels? You boost that by as much as 52.5% more by eating them with the skins on! WOW! So here on this journey of nutrition I hope we can all learn together. Here is a web site to read about organic foods.
Hundreds of thousands U.S. soldiers were issued DDT powder and told to sprinkle it in their sleeping bags. Word got back to the home front that this new miracle chemical was saving the lives of loved ones. By 1952, there were almost 10,000 separate new pesticide products registered with the USDA. The war affected food at home. The government rationed supplies of staples such as sugar, coffee, meat, fish, butter, eggs and cheese. Homemakers were challenged to fix nutritious meals on a budget with restricted supplies. Planting a Victory Garden was seen as patriotic. | |||||||||||
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